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Science & Missles - Printable Version

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Science & Missles - Alaira1 - 03-11-2011

I'm going to type this as I remember it, so the first event will be the last thing I drempt.
I am in an underground silo. I am a scientist & I am working on something with several other scientists. At on point I thought or I heard Super Hadron Collider, but I knew that was not what we were working on, this huge machine had something to do with space, but not like what the SHC does.
Next I am in water with land on both sides of me. The water is dark where I stand, but becomes clear as it reaches the shore line. I look up at the land & hear a voice say Australia. Suddenly I hear what sounds like a missle wizzing through the water. I look up to the land and while I never see the missles, I see the path they leave in the water & the land & the vapor or mist that lingers in the air as it came out of the water. I hear an exposion far in on the land. There are many missles coming out of the water both on my left & my right, but my attention is mostly attuned to what is on my left. Another missle comes on land behind me on my left side, a large modern looking city appears, but instead of hearing the missle expode a shield or force field covers this city. (The city was very bright & when the force field came over it, it was orange. Not sure if the force field was already over the city & only became visible when the missle hit, or if it was a different type of missle.) My sense of the land is that the my front left side was Australia, the back left side was another country (even though in the dream the land was connected it didn't feel like the same country) & my front right sidewas Africa.
Next, our world has changed. (Many of my dreams lately are of survival after some sort of disaster) We (all people) are living in old abandoned homes & buildings. The feel is we're now nomadic. I am with my husband & other people are around as well. Suddenly there is a baby in my arms, I sense she is hungry & go to find a quiet place to feed her. She turns into 2 babies. I don't seem too interested in the fact that one baby turned to two. I am more confused as to why she or theyarenot the age of my 4 year old. I find some bottles of formula since I no longer can nurse them. As I feed the first baby she morphs into a 4 year old child. The other baby disappears. The baby that is with me is the second child, not the first one that showed up in my arms. This is all I remember.