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"Class Delta" Solar Flare - Printable Version

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"Class Delta" Solar Flare - Becbeq - 03-30-2011

My son and I, along with some other unidentified people, are at my grandparents" farmhouse. We hear a weird thumping noise and run outside to look. We know the government is flying some secret aircraft and we want to see if we can spot it. Instead, we see the bottom of a white craft that starts to swerve, loop and comes down on the ground a bit away from us. From the bottom it looks like a miniature space shuttle with vents in the bottom. It"s a type of personal hovercraft -- almost looks like a pontoon boat when it lands. A woman at in a white lab coat at the controls calls over the women in the group. Her name is Dr. Patricia (can"t remember) and she"s warning us that a "class Delta" solar flare will reach Earth soon. It will wipe almost everybody out. She tells us "Life as you know it is over". She"s tired and her face is weary. I talked to her for a while. She points out the sun, which is setting, and states that the flare will hit "tomorrow at 2:00". Then she leaves to warn some other groups and bring back her son.When I walk back into the house, I find myself in some type of partially underground, cavernous bunker. It is roughly round in shape with a sky dome made of some clear material at the top. Cafeteria tables are set up on one side. Hallways lead to other wings of the shelter. In the middle, there is a line of what looks like assembly line machinery -- lots of gray metal, pulleys, switch boxes, levers & arms. An older gentleman and I are looking over the machinery trying to figure out how it works and reading the labeling on the switch boxes (the boxes are red with silver covers). The purpose of the machinery is to unfold and raise a dark gray material to cover the sky dome and we have it partially raised. I realize that I"m the leader (I don"t tend to take leader positions) and that I am because I wanted to make sure my autistic son was not denied shelter.The majority of the population is not aware of the threat. As a group, we realize that we cannot save everyone. A decision is made to use the quiet time before the general population wakes up to the fact there is a problem (if they do) to send some of our people out to stores like Sam"s Club to purchase last minute supplies to fill in any holes in our planning. We select calm, collected people and send them with pickup trucks to various stores. No more than two to a store, no more purchases than a small restaurant would buy.I make some calls to family members and friends of the group who can be trusted with opsec to gather them at the shelter. Gotta love my mother in law. Even in my dream, she brings the best food when she comes! When I was woken up, the group was eating, waiting for the folks we sent out to come back and just waiting.