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Huge Tsunami - Printable Version

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Huge Tsunami - Kim Maddox - 04-13-2011

Although I like to peruse the dreams on this site, I never thought I would post. I'm not privy to detailed dreams and only once or twice in my life have I had a dream that seemed to be a premonition (I dreamed of my Grandmother's passing, which was not expected and did occur a couple of months later).
In my dream I was with my teenage son in a coastal town unlike any I have actually been to. I have spent a great deal of time on the California coast and for some reason, in the dream I just assumed that's where I was. The details of the location do not resemble any city I know of on the west coast of the U.S., however. The town actually resembled what I imagine a Mediterranean coastal town to look like. The slope of the land into the sea was extremely steep so there was not much actual beach. Despite this, there were many swimmers in the ocean bobbing up and down in the waves. The slope was so steep that the waves were not even really breaking before they reached the shore. Quite near the shore were concrete walkways which led to stairways that ascended up the hillside which was developed with concrete statues and ornately decorated concrete sea walls. The area seemed to be very touristy and had an "old world" flavor. I seemed to be about half way up the hillside which I estimated to be about 50 feet higher than the sea surface. My son and I were watching the swimmers and taking in the scenery when we noticed the waves becoming larger. There were people on the walkways below that stopped to observe. As one of the waves grew, it became apparent that it was so large it was going to flow across the walkway. We watched as this occurred and many people ran to escape it but even then it didn't seem extremely dangerous because it was only perhaps 6-12 inches of water on top of the walkway. Several of the swimmers crashed onto the walkway with this wave and I told my son "there are going to be some injuries down there". We then looked out to sea and noticed a much larger swell forming. This swell never broke but simply rose to meet the land just a foot or so below where we were standing. As this happened we observed people all around below us trying to escape. There were people on the low walkway that we could actually see through 50 feet of water trying to make their way to the stairways to escape. We saw people emerging from the water on these stairways making their way up the hillside. Just when I thought it couldn't possibly be any worse, another swell made the water level increase about another foot or so, bringing the water to our feet as we ran uphill. After this swell, the water stopped rising but I woke up before I could witness the sea return to normal levels and I had no idea if the people on the walkways below perished.