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5-4-11 Violent Shaking - Printable Version

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5-4-11 Violent Shaking - Tuckylady - 05-05-2011

This dream felt like it was happening in my hometown which is in southwestern Ohio, but there was no real time recognizable landmarks to me.
I was in a restaurant/diner. It had an old feeling to the place yet at each seat there was what looked like a computer screen/monitor. I was at a table, facing to where I could look out the window.
I had just placed my order with the waitress when I felt the table start to shake. I looked around me and the other customers around me felt it to. It lasted only a few seconds and stopped. Then a big jolt shook everything around me. I tried to get to my feet, thinking I needed to get out of the diner when I noticed something strange happening outside the window.
In the dream I just knew that the beige brick and black mortar building across the street was a two story church. If you didn't live in the area you wouldn't know that the building housed a church unless you read the sign out front because it looked like a building that belonged in a shopping center.
Anyway the shaking got even worse when I watched in horror as the church seemed to rise up from the ground, at least a few feet into the air, then slammed back down and collapsed in on itself.
I grabbed my phone and called for help. The person who answered the phone took my information and said that there was much damage all over town. (In the dream the person gave the real name of my hometown.)
No sooner had I hung up the monitor in front of me came to life with what looked like a news room for one of the big national news channels. The person that appeared on the monitor said my whole name twice because I didn't answer the first time. I was thinking wtf, how did they know my name much less where to find me. The person then told me to get ready that I was going to be interviewed about what was happening. A few seconds passed and the interview started and that is when I woke.