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A bright sunny day... - Printable Version

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A bright sunny day... - Delta Don - 06-21-2011

6/21/2011 5:59 a.m. I was walking in a facility and there were many people. I came in contact with men and women whom were very tall and had a golden tanned color to them. They knew me well and we were all very close and it felt very loving. They all spoke to me separately, I felt as if I knew them. We were all walking as a group down very large corridors filled with people. We were all walking in the same direction through the crowd that was moving in many directions. One woman in particular leaned over to talk to me and put her arm over my shoulders as we walked. She was very tall and of a golden brown tanned color with curly short dark hair. She was quite attractive and androgynous looking. There were many large hall ways filled with people. I continued walking and came upon smaller and darker hallways, which I then entered that were also filled with people. In the center of these hallways were tables running the whole length of the corridors and people were packed on both sides moving in many directions. On the tables were luggage and everything that a human uses in life. The tables were packed, it was as if I were at the largest flea market in the world. With large areas of like items piled together. There were tunnels everywhere branching out like a dandelion. I decided to fly above the crowd and continue forward towards the light. I came to the end of the tunnel and I was outside and it was intensely bright and sunny. There were people everywhere participating in activities. I started running fast through the crowds and almost crossed over the lines of a children's game, I loudly apologized while laughing at the same time and kept running. I looked up and it was very bright, brighter than the sun with very green grass everywhere. People were having fun and were very happy with festivities. It was like a family day everywhere. It was as if we were in a gigantic stadium covered by a very bright light. I could see other doorways surrounding us on the perimeter. I ran towards one of the doorways and entered it and woke up.