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Sitting in a church waiting for an arrival. - Printable Version

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Sitting in a church waiting for an arrival. - Delta Don - 07-26-2011

July 26 2011 in the a.m.I was with my friends and some of my family and we entered a very large building like a church. It was comprised of many geometric angles as if we were inside a structure designed as the flower of life or a merkaba. There were aisles branching off in many directions but in a perfect symmetry allowing everyone to face each other and in between the rows of seats cascading downward were these aisles. It felt very much like a church and we were all waiting for someone or something very important to arrive like a figure head. I couldn't find my partner so I went looking and I thought I saw him. As I arrived to the area I noticed it was someone else. The structure was full of people but the area I was standing in still had some seating available and was waiting to be filled. My partner finally walked up to me in my dream and said hello and I was relieved. We were all waiting for someone very special to arrive and there was a buzz in the air that it is a very important moment. There were thousands waiting with intent. The most interesting thing was it was all men waiting. It reminds of a dream I had a few years ago when my mother Reiko whom passed away over 12 years ago took me into an upside down white pyramid structure. She told me to come inside with her and it was a very large church like setting with rows upon rows of women of all ages sitting as far as I could see upward. My mom told me it was my time to stand in the center of this pyramid and I wasn't to keen about the idea. She said she would always be there for me. As I stood in the center of the platform which would be the tip of an upside down pyramid. I stood there and this immense being came walking out and she looked as if she were a tree and a very ancient one and very very tall. She was swaying back and forth as she walked and there was hair floating upwards on her head as it were flames of a beautiful red color. I was very humbled as I knew she had something to do with the beginning. She turned and looked directly at me and opened her mouth and a very powerful low tone erupted from her and I could feel it literally going into my belly button. It created an almost euphoric feeling, one that is very hard to convey. I woke up knowing that something very special had just happened.