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Future Powers of Humans Revealed - Printable Version

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Future Powers of Humans Revealed - Philistine - 09-19-2011

I've been struggling to remember my dreams lately. Last night came through a couple of distinct and memorable visions. Both part of a night long narrative I simply cannot remember, as usual of late. Here they are out of context:

I was a middle to upper class traveler/business man. I had a paper invoice for some kind of transaction and was making a change to the line items. The setting was busy like an airport or mall, people were dressed in mod-style futuristic garb. I got the impression it was the near future, in only 20 years or so.

The cool part was the clerk who was helping me. She scanned the line items on my invoice with her fingertip. There was text and symbols and barcodes all mixed up in it. Her finger emitted light as she did this. Next, on the next row of the invoice, she wiped her finger across again, and printed a new line of text, symbols and barcodes. I thanked her and went about my business.

The other segment of my futuristic dream was set in a sunny back yard or park. I lay on a blanket with my wife and we were talking as we do when alone and the kids and pets are all busy. (or in this case perhaps grown?) As we talked, I was looking into the perfectly blue sky and here floated a strange object. Smooth, grayish, organic and hourglass shaped, with holes in the bulbous parts that made it look like an "8". I exclaimed "Look a UFO!!"

The object proceded to float down, like a sheet of paper. Wafting too and fro until it reached the ground and in the end it was a blow up plastic figure like you'd have in your yard at Christmas! Only with the features I described.