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A Sleeping dream of the future - Printable Version

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A Sleeping dream of the future - California Kevin - 10-03-2011

Most of my dreams are meditational in the area between awake and asleep. However, I do rarely ever have sleeping dreams. I had this one and it was clear and I rememeber everything! (unlike most sleeping dreams) So, first I was aware I was in a parking garage for a big building, however there were no cars visible anywhere. Instead the whole floor was turned into a local repair and manufacturing plant where everyone in the neighborhood brought thier goods to be repaired. I knew there were no more "brands" as per say, because everything that was manufactured anywhere was agreed to a straight conformity that the whole world agreed on. ( so to say your washing machine may have been originally manufactured 1000 miles away, all the repair parts were general and if you moved to the other side of the globe, you would still find the same repair parts..just manufactured locally to one owns any copyright to is all built and agreed upon by a world comitee of which that area is assigned). So, in that parking garage any household item could be fixed or rebuilt as all items were built quality to last many years.

I was also aware there was very little currency and alot was traded with credits with the local community that one worked lived and ate. Some currency was available when items outside of the community was need to be purchase because no trade item needed, was found. So, it was in the interest of every community to be as resourcefull as possible in producing a larger amount of parts, items, food etc for trade or risk bleeding out capital via the currency.

After that I became aware of a staircase, elevator and lockers in the middle from the entrance. I became aware the building was traditional commercial framed but stepped pyramid like near the top.

I then found myself at the lockers at stair bottom. I had to take off my shoes with the rest and had special socks. Most people only required a cubby for material objects (no material objects but clothes, prayer mattrug and some jewelry were permitted upstairs) some people needed a full locker (no locks though).

Then we went upstairs, some people covered thier head and some did not. Ones that didn't usually had long hair. I became aware that thier was two sets of stairs and lockers for two different times of entrance. I was also aware that the number of steps to the 1st room had a meaning. The elevators went to a different room as if you used them, you were physically unfit to climb stair. There were not alot whom used this room as most everyone seemed healthy. When climbing the staircase, on the wall was a drawing of a sun and around the top was a crescent moon, a cross and the star of David. When reaching the top people fanned out and some used thier prayer rugs. There was a preacher or inman whom gave a sermon kinda like that of pious christian service, but also bowing with the head to the ground as Islam during certain points of the service. All was serious, but open. The one leading often reached out and talked with worshipers. (In a very brotherly fashion..not as an relious overlord). He lead and all worshipped and the final prayers were done in an about an hour (sometimes more if a good discussion about universal life popped up..universal life was the final belief in God at the time as God is the universe and a universal life was led in respect for all..and then I had the awareness of others beyond this planet were included in this).

After that sermon, all retreated to the upper lever with the balcony. That room was the celebration room. Both men and women were there (I seen all men at the sermon but was aware that there were sermons where both attended. Women most often attended at a different time for mostly need of different universal topics and to have the man watch any children in turn while they attend. This building had services all day long alternating between the two entrance areas, there is never any lack of temple service).

On the upper floor, people were outside shooting fireworks and lightly throwing glitter and some were dancing. There was a man with a tray of properly prepared snacks and he was wearing a pointed hat and a hood with stars and crescent moons. ( I was aware there was no such thing as the KKK and people in the room were not offended by this man with stars and moons on his cap wearing a mask) The man danced over and held out the tray and asked me.." is the spirit with me?" And I replied, "The spirit is with you!" and he became ecstatic and danced away holding the tray out to others. He had a large white gown around him. In this everyone celebrated as long as needed and went home via another stairelevator. All was happy and glad and everyone loved life. The community and the universal temple were ones and made the balance of life. It was made practical so all could enjoy and live together.