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Flight on experimental military plane - Printable Version

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Flight on experimental military plane - redspiralhand - 04-27-2013

I was experiencing this dream as a young male with two other males and a female pilot of an experimental military craft. We were going on a test flight...the craft had a sort of triangular shape and was dark in color. This craft had an ability to fly up into areas outside of our atmosphere. The first part of of the flight was to achieve an altitude just at the edge of the earth's atmosphere and then some kind of atmospheric conditions had to be just right for the flight to proceed to the area up above the atmosphere. We were in place and the word came back from "control" or base that the conditions were not right for the flight to proceed. So basically we were to abort the test flight.
The female pilot told us that it would be fine, she was going to proceed with the second part of the test-flight.
The three of us passengers looked at each other and told her we were, "not comfortable with that decision." This seemed to make the pilot angry and she flew back down to base and dropped us all off, abruptly, on a paved area that was quite a ways from the original tarmac. We had to walk quite a ways and pass through one of the military security check gates where there were several MPs and even a dog guarding.
We didn't pay much attention and the two other men just walked past them into the gate and the main MP confronted me and stepped in front of me and asked who we all were (we had suits on.) I told him, "Those guys are 'government', and "I'm with them." He said, "Not CIA, are you?" CIA seemed to be bad and government okay. I told him, "I'm ex-FBI, that's all. No CIA here." He relaxed and let me pass.
Note: My son told me that such an experimental craft does exisit, that he thinks it's called the "Aurora" or something like that. I've never heard of it, before.