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Location of Malaysian Airline 370 - Printable Version

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Location of Malaysian Airline 370 - Tracie - 04-07-2014

About 3 days after the disappearance of the plane, I dreamed that whoever had the plane, also had my children so I was trying desperately to locate the plane. In my dream, I had a co-worker of mine from real life who was helping me. He is Ukranain and has lived in the US for years. In the dream, he somehow figured out the coordinates of the plane. We were working with an old Russian man and they were speaking in Russian. We showed the man the coordinates and he did a Google Earth search and told us that he knew where that was. I was begging him to take us there so that I could get my kids back. He finally agreed. Of course, on the way to the plane, I woke up. Well, the next night I went to sleep trying to locate the coordinates since only my friend/ coworker had seen them in the prior dream. Well, I dreamed the coordinates and immediately woke up and punched them into Google on my cell phone. Well, the location of the plane per my dream was Kazakhstan. The plane was either being held underground or was covered by something that made it disappear or appear as if it were underground. I'd never heard of Kazahkstan so imagine my surprise when I looked it up and it is 70% Muslim population and they speak Russian ( just like they were speaking in my dream) This dream was before any mention of it turning west and going to Pakistan or any of those countries.