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Americans Attacked - Printable Version

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Americans Attacked - Elyse - 05-14-2014

I found myself working alongside thousands of other hardworking Americans in a huge open area surrounded by lush forests. The government had demanded that every river be turned into one large river and the people were working feverishly to make it happen. I noticed that many men and woman were dripping with sweat and looked to be thirsty, but it was against the law to drink from the rivers. The government issued water, and those who ran out or didn't get any, well, they died. Those who tried to drink from the river were shot and killed.
After a long, hard day, everyone returned to their little houses right at the edge of the forests. Most of the homes were little run down trailors. As I went to my trailor home, I looked at the sky and could see it getting dark and cloudy. I thought nothing of it until I was getting ready for bed and began to hear a loud howling and the trailor began to shake. I looked outside to see a HUGE funnel cloud touch the earth. Quickly, I told my husband to gather the children and seek cover. I was gathering water and blankets when I noticed that there were three tiny kittens on the porch. I couldn't leave them there, the tornado was heading right at us! So I scooped the kittens up in my arms and ran to the nearest closet and crouched with my back against the door and my body shielding the kittens as the trailor was torn apart all around me. Luckily, everyone survived the night.
The next moring, I looked out to see that nearly every trailor had been destroyed by the tornado. People were wringing out their wet clothes and blankets and hanging them on lines, but just as every morning, when it was time, they all marched to work. Today we had a new project - we were to build new government buildings... lots of them. I was confused by the fact that no one seemed to notice or care about the HUGE amount of damage the tornado had done or the fact that the government didn't seem to care... instead of helping after the crisis, the government increased our work load. I refused to work and instead wandered around watching everyone. The government already had one great, big glass building. It was supposed to be clear so that you could see the work the government did within. I walked there first. I was appaled to find that it was full of mirrors and designed so that it LOOKED like you could see inside. Those within were well hidden... but at the time, it was empty. In the middle of my exploration, I heard the thunderous sound of helicopters. I looked outside to see them flying and firing at some of the workers! Suddenly, armed forces came out of nowhere as well. In spite of this, most of the people kept working as if nothing were happening. Some of them were easily shot and killed by the ground troops. Some ran to seek shelter from the helicopters in the woods and were followed. A few of them didnt make it, but many did and found shelter in the forest. Once it dawned on me what was happening, I began to panic. On a VERY fancy desk in the office I happened to be in, I found a wierd tool. I took it and began to run, making my own way into the forest while being chased and shot at.
When I was sure I was no longer being followed, I took a closer look at the tool I took. Imagine a monster swiss army knife, roughly the size of a body builders forearm. It was complete with saw, firestarter, clippers... just about any tool you would want if you were stranded in a forest. It was made out of the weirdest looking, almost baby blue metal. I was certainly glad to have it as it would help me significantly in constructing a shelter.
As I wandered the forst, I came across a very poorly constructed, yet HUGE shelter. I was so excited that I had found other people and had hoped that maybe I could join them. I walked in as a meeting was going on. Everyone was standing, hand to heart, saying the pledge of Alligence to a very battered flag. After which, they all sat and listened to several speakers. After the meeting was over, I asked to join them and I was directed to the leader of the group. I went to him, and he questioned my motives then my loyalty, so I presented him with the tool I had been carrying. I told him that with it, we could construct a better, more hidden shelter and use it for protection. He seemed more interested in using it in a counter attack, but he agreed and I was accepted into the group and instructed to be in charge of the tool.