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Spoiled Little Girl - Printable Version

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Spoiled Little Girl - Elyse - 05-17-2014

I wasn't going to share this dream. It didn't seem very important and I couldn't remember all of it. My husband was very amused by it and suggested I share it anyway.

In this dream I was watching my husband play with a little girl I have never met before. She looked as if she were maybe 5 or 6 years old. She was sitting on his lap with a shiny gold 3ds. (The handheld 3-d Nintendo system) As they smiled and laughed I started to get insanely jealous. I'm not a jealous person, so It was really weird that I would be so jealous. I can't even tell you WHY I was jealous. I guess maybe I wanted my husband all to myself? I can't be sure.

My husband isn't the most family-oriented guy, so it was weird to see him sitting still and playing with a child for so long. After a while, the child jumped out of his lap and ran over next to me. I guess I just couldn't help myself... I peeked at her screen to see her buying gold for whatever game she was playing. But this kid didn't just buy a little, she bought a lot! She'd purchase it over and over again two or three times! She ran back over to my husband and showed him what she had done, and he patted her head and they played for a minute before she ran back over next to me and bought even more gold for her game! All I could think was "WHO LET THIS KID LOOSE WITH A CREDIT CARD!" They played a bit longer and she ran back next to me to by gold again. It was none of my business, but I was getting a bit aggravated. I mean, money doesn't just grow on trees!

As I was looking at her, the little girl peeked over her game system and gave me these eyes as if to say "What are you looking at!" I know she didn't just give me attitude!

My husband and I eventually dropped her off somewhere and we began driving home. In the car, he handed me a plastic bag. I opened it to find the receipt for this little girls "Legend of Zelda 3DS- BOLD Edition" The price of this game system was exactly $886. I was about to explode with jealousy at this point. I am not a huge gamer, but on occasion I will play a game and I just so happen to collect Zelda games. Zelda was my favorite childhood game and I learned to read very early in my life so I could solve the puzzles. Its MY GAME! I actually have the Original Gold Triforce 3DS... I had no reason to be jealous... but mine wasn't shiny or new. And what was a little kid doing with a brand new 3DS anyway!? Where on earth did she get THAT kind of money!? What was my husband doing with the receipt?! I was pretty bitter, sitting with my arms folded like a spoiled child in the car. The girl had a monster-sized chocolate covered gram cracker in the ziplock bag too. I snapped "Im TAKING this" at my husband and then took it and ate it out of spite.

I woke up not knowing whether I should be ashamed or amused. I had acted like a complete baby. My husband has just recently been interested in my dreams, and once my eyes opened he just HAD to ask what I dreamt. I knew he would be disappointed in this dream and didn't want to tell him, but he insisted... I begrudgingly told him my dream and he laughed and asked what the little girl looked like. I told him she had long, wavy, brown hair (like me), Blue eyes (like me), and an attitude. He said "Yep, that's your daughter." I argued that my daughter would NEVER have an attitude! Then my husband pointed out how I had an attitude in the dream. Touché. Well, I would NEVER spend $886 on a 3DS of all things! Then my husband pointed out the game systems that my boys use. They have tons of educational games. Well... If I were to buy a ZELDA edition system it would be for ME! Then he mentioned that I might spoil her because I have wanted a daughter for so long... I couldn't really argue that, because I have been very excited about the idea. I told him that I knew EXACTLY how much a new Special Edition 3DS would cost, it is about $250. Why would it cost so much?! He pointed out that the girl was 5 or 6 years old... maybe by that time inflation would have caused a huge price increase.

I pouted that I was unable to win that argument, which only further proved that I had an attitude. I had to admit defeat. My husband won the argument...