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It has begun - Printable Version

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It has begun - save life - 05-23-2014

"This dream has been my Final "futureistic dream, because,I have not had a rememerable dream since!"
In this dream I was hme babysitting two young boys, my kids must have went to school or something. 1 boy was about 8months and the other was about 3.
It was just me and these two boys. No one wlse was around,and it felt very lonely. I was not feeling well, and decided to lay down while the boys were trying to nap as well. I had just started a disaster movie, to watch and perhaps get some rest. When all of a sudden, a loud whistleing sound started screaming in growing louder by the moment. I glanced over out ofmy window, still lying down, when I noticed a HUGE Ball-Like Metor or Rocket slam into the ground! The explosion was so vivid and close! I could see the ground and rocks trun into ash in an instant. A Huge mushroom-like cloud was heading ourway. I saw the impact, in all its detail way too close for comfort.
I jumped up right away knowing I had no time to spare! I ran through my house, grabbed the boys, and yelled for my dogs to follow me out to the car. At this time I was almost in a panic and was wondering where my kids were. I hurried and shut the car door, to drive away, but and noticed the cloud was upon us.
Then I woke up.
" FYI When I had this dream, the last thing I watched thatvery nightwas "American Pie" a comedy....where this dream came from...well id assume the very same placeall my dreams have been fore warning. However, as i stated above, I have not had a memerable dream since this very 1! Interesting enough, just two days after this very dream, a roguemetor slammed somewhere inRussia"