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New World - Printable Version

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New World - Elyse - 05-25-2014

I decided that I must be prepping my mind to dream of august incorrectly... so last night I repeated the question "What will the world be like in August 2014?" I lied down and daydreamed about watching the news in August. Surly there will be LOTS of things going on. I expected to dream of some sort of natural disaster (if my suggestion worked) and braced myself for the worst before I fell asleep.

I woke up in the dream almost aware that I was in a whole new world. It LOOKED like the world I know, but it felt different. I noticed as I walked around aimlessly that everyone looked kind of the same. They were the same size and all wore the same face - a generic emotionless face. It wasn't long before I was picked up and brought in to some big glass building for being "suspicious".

I was directed into a very fancy government office and told to sit and wait for someone to see me. It has always seemed to me that whatever a person holds most dear, they hang the highest in their home, so I looked around the room to get a feel for what kind of person was coming. Hanging the highest in the room was a big, blood red stone. Maybe a ruby? It was cut in the shape of a diamond and it had gold embellishments all around it. I looked below it to see a gold alter when it dawned on me that this was no ordinary decoration, this was a sort of shrine to this stone. This person WORSHIPED the stone. What did that mean? As I waited my mind reached the conclusion that this stone most likely cost ALOT of money. So, if money is the root of all evil, this person worshiped evil and thus, I was in a sort of hell on earth.

I was very uncomfortable until I saw my mother walk in dressed in a business suit. I was relieved and stood up until she started yelling at me about what an embarrassment I was to the family. She told me that she should have me executed and asked me to give her a reason not to. That was easy enough for me to answer. I was not the one abandoning my beliefs to adopt this new religion where I worshiped a stone of all things. In the nicest way I could muster, I told her I thought she needed to re-evaluate herself. She grinned ear to ear as if she were amused by my statement and informed me that times have changed. Religion was a thing of the past and that people had evolved too much to need the "crutches of religion".

I really wanted to be angry at her. But I couldn't. I felt more sorry for her than anything. But I wasn't going to be part of this new world religion, so I told her that she would have to kill me because I would fight it, and I would get other people to fight it as well. I told her that getting a majority of people to believe something is 'right' does not MAKE it right. If there is only ONE person in the world that calls evil for what it is, that one person is still right. Good and evil is not defined by how many believe it is good and evil, it just is what it is.

My mother thought this was amusing and challenged me at my word before having me escorted out of the building.

While I was walking around, I came across a friend of mine who offered to take me out to eat. I was starving and had no objections to that! We went into a "restaurant"... but a better word for it would be cafeteria. It really reminded me of elementary school. You would push a little tray across a line as people dumped stuff onto your plate. I was asked what kind of meat I wanted and I asked for shrimp, but it didn't matter. The meals had already been determined. At the end of the line, the cashier would determine who would pay and who wouldn't. My friend was chosen to pay, and I was partially relieved because I had no money, but at the same time, I thought it was unfair that so many people had no choice in the matter. Also, there seemed to be ALOT of people that took advantage of others on this system.

As we sat down, I could feel I was being watched. I looked behind me to see a strange woman glaring at me. She picked up her tray and moved a table or two closer before setting it down and eyeing me while she ate. This made me a bit nervous, but I was a new face... so maybe it was nothing? I reached for what I had assumed was fried shrimp, only to find that it was a jalapeno popper (Fried cheese-stuffed pepper)... I was disappointed, but it was SO good I ate it... then noticed the woman move to the table across from me. Was she taking note of what I was eating? There was another popper on my plate and as I ate it, I noticed a camera man on the opposite side of me filming the woman that was spying on me. Just what was going on around here? This place was so weird! After I ate the second popper, the woman stood up and started screaming while pointing at me, then the camera men surrounded her! She was asked all kinds of questions to include "Are you a monster? What kind of person eats deer?!" The woman had been eating what I assumed to be a country fried steak... but apparently it was made with deer meat instead of beef. She was called all sorts of names and was going to be sent to trial for animal cruelty amongst other things. The man conducting the "interview" with her took her plate while the woman kept pointing to me and saying "but..but.."

I had no idea what was going on at the time. The man took the poppers off her plate and put them on mine, then shoveled food from her plate to make my plate look more full... he then put tiny, live frogs on her plate before setting it down and filming it. Finally, the woman shouted, "BUT LOOK WHAT SHE'S EATING!" They filmed my plate. "Oh, but this woman hasn't taken a single bite of her food yet! You on the other hand are responsible for the murder of a deer! And look! You have live frogs on your plate! What kind of sicko eats LIVE FROGS!?"

This place was like the twilight zone. They carted the woman off kicking and screaming. She was crying uncontrollably and telling them that she had no idea it was deer. I felt horrible for the woman, but it became obvious that she meant to have me killed for eating some fried peppers. I had never met the woman, let alone bothered her in any way... why would she go out of her way to have me arrested?

I caught the man doing the interview alone and asked what was going on. Apparently, it was against the law to eat certain things like those poppers. They were "unhealthy" and had been banned. Those who ate them were sent in for judgment and sometimes killed for their offences. I just couldn't believe it! Who would really care if someone else ate a bit of fried cheese in a pepper!? I asked the man why he had helped me and he told me that it was because he knew I would do the right thing no matter what, and it made him want to do the right thing. He protected me so that I would help others in the same way. I gave him a big hug (Against the law) and left.

I went to pay my mother a visit in her new home. She had a very, nice and expensive home. When I walked inside it was... pink... very feminine and girly. There is really nothing wrong with that. I love a little pink here and there, in fact, it is my favorite color, but this was not my mother. This house was too girly and perfect... as if someone had hit a Barbie house with a growth ray. I noticed a few things that she had that was against the law... just little knick-knacks that we take for granted, like books. I don't know HOW I knew she wasn't supposed to have them, but I knew. When I came inside (Doors were not allowed to be locked) I found her eating something that she wasn't supposed to be eating... and NOW I knew that people could be killed for such an offense! She quickly hid it and began talking to me as if she were (fake) happy to see me.

She then started bragging on my little sister. She had won an award at the collage she was attending for being an "outstanding student and role model for the community". I shook my head. I couldn't believe that my family had become... THESE kinds of people. My sister had been given some sort of title. She was now at some sort of authority over the people in the community... awesome.

When I did not act as if I were excited, and showed more disgust than interest, my mother got very, VERY angry. She told me that she could have me executed at any time. She said I needed to "grow up" and stop living in a fantasy world. My religion had died. I could either "evolve" with everyone else, or die with it. She then grabbed my arm and asked me what I had to say for myself.

I just smiled and told her that I had seen what she was eating...

There was a lot more to this dream. I really wish I could remember it all. After waking up and thinking about it, I couldn't help but to cringe.