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Weirdest Night Ever / Forced Religion - Printable Version

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Weirdest Night Ever / Forced Religion - Elyse - 06-02-2014

Last night/ early this morning was a very strange night for me. My youngest son kept crying in his sleep, so in a desperate attempt to comfort him, I brought him to bed with me, but it didn't seem to help. He woke me up constantly throughout the night. Bad dreams? I had many mini-dreams... but I only remember one before I was awoken for the last time by my son at 2am.

I dreamt that I was given a large cardboard box of Bibles. All of the Bibles were hard-back and had very intricate designs cut into the cover. You could see through the holes that the heart of the Bibles had been cut out leaving an empty cavity with a strange devices in it. I was also given a compass-like device that I was to place on top of the Bibles. One of three things would happen when I set the device on the Bible; It would either spin around wildly, do nothing, or point to the West.

I woke up this time on my own because of an odd feeling. It was probably going on 3am. There is a smoke detector in my bedroom that shines a tiny green light... but flying around the smoke detector was a tiny blue light that was maybe the size of a nickel. It would fly for a second and then disappear for a second before reappearing again. I thought that I might be seeing it because I just woke up. Maybe my eyes hadn't adjusted to being awake... so I looked at a chunk of bare wall to see if the tiny blue circle of light would follow my eyes much like spots do when you come into a dark room after being outside in the sunshine. Nope. In my peripheral vision, I could still see the light moving around the smoke detector in the right hand corner of my bedroom. I wanted to grab my phone or camera to film it... but my phone was in another room and I thought it would disappear if I got up... anyway, it looked a lot like someone was pointing a blue laser pointer at the ceiling, I doubted anyone would believe it if I showed them a video. So I just watched for several minutes as it flew around and then flew into the hall and out of the room. A little while after it left, I flipped onto my left side and saw it, or another one like it, on the ceiling behind me by my windows. After a while it dimmed and vanished into the wall. I didn't worry too much about what I had seen. I guess I felt more curious than afraid because it didn't give me a BAD feeling... just a weird feeling. And I believe I was awake when I saw this... but things got weirder.

I fell asleep a short while after the dot disappeared and woke up to my husband's alarm going off. When I opened my eyes the walls of the room were covered with glowing green blotches. It was the color of those greenish glow-in-the-dark stars I pasted to my son's ceiling. The splotches were fairly large and there were many covering the walls and they looks almost like they were pulsing with light. I noticed that there were no blotches in the hall or bathroom. I wasn't frightened by this, but I was alarmed. My husband had awoken to hit snooze and before he fell asleep again, I asked if he saw the green on the walls. He said that he had. I then told him about the blue light I had seen earlier. We lied in silence looking at splotches before he told me that he felt sick. I told him that he might need to call in to work because I thought the blue light and green splotches might be making him sick and there was nothing I could do... but then I got very tired all of a sudden and passed out.

My husband sets three different alarms to wake up every day. Each plays a different song. It was the second song that woke me up to see the green splotches. I just KNOW I was awake... but when I got up with him after the final alarm, I asked him if he felt better and he had no idea what I was talking about. I told him about the green splotches and he swore he didn't remember any of it. Maybe it was a dream? But he has a history of not remembering things if he is very tired... I was pretty upset when he left because I was sure that I had seen it in real life... but I can't be certain because it is possible that I dreamt it. Sometimes my dreams feel real...

Several hours after he left, I managed to take a late morning nap with the boys and had another dream. I dreamt that people were being forced to abandon their beliefs. I cant say for sure whether it was military or some alien force... but there were very strange, black, oddly shaped air crafts going up and down streets. Imagine a flying black shield. These crafts looked flat and would fly very quickly horizontally in the sky... but when focusing on a particular area, they would flip vertically and were armed. I watched them blow up a couple of houses. There was a new religion being taught by a man who claimed he was Moses. I watched as many people either chose to accept this new religion being taught by "Moses" or they chose to keep their beliefs. Most who chose to keep their current beliefs armed themselves because so many that did not pick up a gun or knife were killed either by military or by these flying aircrafts. I saw the United States in my mind as this was happening. The states were being divided by color as people chose. There were blue states and there were red states but the blue and red didn't stand for republican and democrat. The red states were those that chose to fight and keep their beliefs and the blue states were those who chose to adopt the new religion taught by Moses. I noticed when I saw the different states light up in different color that the US was almost equally divided. People were angry on both sides and were on the verge of breaking out in civil war... a religious civil war. After having this vision, I found myself confronted by a little boy who asked if I had any books he could borrow. OF COURSE I DO! I have books for ages at my house! But instead of bringing the little boy to my house I bought him to a mini van. The mini van wasn't mine, but it seemed like I knew the car and it belonged to a teacher. I opened the back. I found a cardboard box and two backpacks filled with books! I picked up one that was called "Jonah and the Whale". It was cute and cut into a whale shape. This would be perfect for the little boy! I decided to flip through it, but as I skimmed over the words... I noticed that the story had been re-written. It was about a crazy fisherman who had been startled by a whale and then wrote a fictional story about being swallowed by it because he had been embarrassed that it had scared him. I got angry and tossed the book to the side and tried to find another book. I found one with cartoon naked people on it, and got so embarrassed that my cheeks started to get hot and hurt. I quickly tried to cover it with another book to keep the little boy from seeing it, but the random book I put on top of it was called "Sleeping with my Father"... It had a picture of a little naked girl sitting on a mans lap. With that, I slammed the back of the van shut and told the boy I was sorry. He had a sly grin on his face and asked me what was wrong. I told him the books were inappropriate for children and he started cackling. I then got angry and asked the little boy what his name was. He said "Charlie". I felt like he was lying. I asked again and he gave me another name. Finally, I commanded him to tell me his REAL name, and his eyes got dark and he gave me a wide, unnatural smile (Literally an ear to ear smile... it looked horrific) and refused to answer. I began praying out loud and the boy started cackling again. He said "I am Moses and this is your future." I woke up.

My night and dreams were so weird, I wasn't sure If I should write them. I know your only interested in dreams, but for the life of me... I can't tell you if the green blotches were real or not. It was one of the weirdest nights I've ever had...I feel like I am going crazy. From the things that I saw (Or possibly dreamt) to the dreams... Why would the boy claim to be Moses of all people? I've been terribly confused and distraught all day. I can't make anything of it...