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High school, Eggs, Hotel, and Shelf Cloud/ Tornados - Printable Version

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High school, Eggs, Hotel, and Shelf Cloud/ Tornados - jjoy - 06-08-2014

We are at the hotel Days Inn. My friend from high school, Anne, is there. We are tossing around an egg that has been blown out so that it is just a hollow shell. She is having so much fun that she calls our mutual friend from high school, Jennifer, and tells her that she has to come over today later on and meet us at the hotel so that she can see the game and play too. She mentioned something about if she couldn't make it to the hotel to just meet us at our house later on that day. I don't say anything but we won't be at the hotel we are packing up to leave. I don't know why I wouldn't just tell her except that I was excited that she was including me and didn't want to rock the boat. I realize that it is getting late and we have to pack up to leave. Anne is suddenly gone and My oldest daughter is laying on the bed now. I look at the clock and it is 1210. I know that no hotel has checkout past 1200 and I am concerned so I ask her to call the front desk and ask for late checkout. The front desk clerk gets on the phone with me and apologizes for something and tells me that it's been fixed. I had no idea about what he was talking about but I played along because I was just glad he wasn't asking me why we weren't checked out and that he wasn't charging me for another day. I repeat to him that he has it worked out and he responds with yes. I then hang up the phone and start loading the truck. It is 2 parking spaces away (lengthwise) and so I was having to walk to load out things. We had so much stuff in the hotel room. I kept finding my husbands things all over in drawers and under desks. All of his stuff was hidden and I started to get mad that he hadn't loaded any of it up yet but I continued packing everything away anyway. I start taking everything out of the room and placing it right outside the door so that I could tell the front desk that we were out. My other child wants to nurse so I sit on the bed with her and hold her. I nurse her for a few minutes but then I tell her mommy has to get up and pack. She acts mad at me and I get sad that she is acting mad at me when I took time out of what I was doing to make sure her needs were fulfilled. I decide to make a trip to the car and load some of the things accumulating outside and I notice that it looks black outside. But it's 1210 I thought to myself, how can it be black. I look around and notice that it is a huge black cloud over us. I can barely see the end in any direction but I can see that it is only like a shelf cloud because I can see bright sunlight coming through around the edges that look like they are miles away.It wasn't just a cloud over me, it was a huge cloud that looked like it was over the entire city. It looks really scary and I am scared that it is a tornado or something, but it doesn't look like anything is forming. I get mad at myself and start to remember my other dream about a tornado and how Garden Grill wasn't there anymore and I wondered if this was the tornado that was going to wipe out part of the city. I'm mad because I didn't take the first Project August dream seriously and now I am a precarious situation. Why did I come to Fayetteville? Why didn't I stay home? It starts to rain and I realize that I couldn't load the truck without everything getting soaking wet so I go back into the room and I decide to call the front desk and stay an extra night. I am concerned though that they don't have a tornado shelter and realize that I would feel so much better if I were home were I could be safe, but I don't know how to do it all before we get charged another night and still trust my instinct to want to be home. I don't want to waste money by paying for a night and not staying. The clouds are growing darker by the minute and they look so viscous. What am I going to do. Then I wake up.