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Flying Body of Light - Printable Version

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Flying Body of Light - Elyse - 06-08-2014

After several days of not being able to remember any dreams, I was finally able to remember bits and pieces of one. As it started out, I was in a large, desert-like area with my husband who was filming the sky in broad daylight. We were surrounded by mountains and there was very little plant life - just the occasional unhealthy looking shrub or patch of grass. The ground was hard, cracked and had a red tint to it... this wasn't a place I was familiar with... I had a camcorder in my hand and was filming the sky too, but was terribly bored and very hot. Suddenly, In the sky I saw a bright light... It was very hard to look at; like looking at the sun. I shaded my eyes with my right hand while I filmed with the left. I could barely make it out, but there was a ring of yellow light filled with a bright white light. In the middle of the ring was a yellow circle and centered under the yellow circle was a yellow semi-circle. I realized immediately that I have seen this symbol before in another recent dream. I had seen it in the middle of a great arch of fire in the sky! As it flew closer over head, I couldn't tell if it was some sort of UFO or spiritual body... but it was getting dangerously close, so I decided to run. There was some sort of military base nearby that I ran to. I ran by a line of strange-looking armed, black, military air crafts and the light in the sky shot out what I can only describe as small beams of white light. I know this sounds cheesy... but It looked ALOT like the beams of light that the space ships shot out at one another on Star Wars. I didn't stop running, and its probably a good thing, because ALL of the air crafts that had been lined up exploded, and I looked like something out of an action movie as I ran through the HUGE and incredible explosion unscathed. For whatever reason... I was afraid that the flying light had been aiming for me and missed... but in the dream, I had been filming the incident perfectly while running and when my husband and I reviewed the footage, it showed that the flying light had swooped down to fire at the military aircrafts, being careful to hit one far enough away from me that I would be able to escape. Incredible...

My husband wanted to show the film to some "paranormal investigators", so I went with him to a home. Inside, there were people seated on couches that had been arranged into a circle. I immediately felt uncomfortable... but didn't say anything. I wanted to support my husband. It is very rare that he gets excited by things... I didn't want to ruin it for him... He showed them my footage and talked with the group for a little while before he left to go do something. The minute he left, the people in the group asked me to join them. I told them that I could not... people like me shouldn't be in those kinds of groups... it could be very dangerous. They insisted and pleaded over and over again for me to join, promising me that they could find out what was "wrong" with me and "fix" it. I still didn't feel like this was a good idea... my husband came back and acted excited that I was being offered a place in their group and also insisted that I join. I begrudgingly accepted... They wanted to take me somewhere to catch ghosts thinking that I would draw one out and make it manifest itself. I was very upset because I just knew that I was going to end up getting hurt. Somehow, they had gotten distracted and I managed to sneak away...

I had walked to some sort of warehouse-like store. It reminded me a bit of Sam's Club or maybe a Lowes. There were thick metal shelves of things, but I didn't pay attention to what was on them. I had seen something that really caught me off guard. Some of these shelves had been cleared off and on one side was a line of people sitting on crates painting make-up on women's faces and also painting a few decorative knick-knacks. I thought that this was one of the strangest things I have ever seen... but it looked kinda fun to me, so I sat between a large man that looked a lot like a body builder and a skinny man. Both were wearing something that looked like a prison jump-suit. I asked if I could help and they had me get up and pick some paint brushes out from a set behind them. When I looked into the box, I was SO excited. They had some of the most beautifully made paint brushes I have ever seen. I'm ALL about detail when I paint... and the paint brushes had tips SO FINE that I could hardly believe it! I had picked out several fine-tipped paint brushes when I was confronted by a man in a purple suit. In order to work there, I would have to sign a contract that would basically make me a slave. It dawned on me that this man was a pimp... and that those women getting their face painted were not doing it for themselves. My stomach churned and I ran out of there as quickly as I could...

I had met up with my husband at a gas station somewhere. He wanted to go back to the desert area to film. I didn't think this was a good idea... but it looked like he had his heart set on it, so I told him that I would go and he had me pick out a soft drink for the long ride there. I picked out a drink and brought it to the counter, but then asked him to wait while I went to a nearby cooler. There was a water drink in the cooler I felt like I needed to get. It was in a tall, clear bottle that looked quite similar to the tall Smart Water bottles. About 2/3rds of the bottle was water, and the last 1/3rd was some kind of pink liquid at the bottom. Floating in-between the pink stuff and the water were two tiny purpley-blue pills. It was some sort of vitamin water and the label said that it was to aid anxiety and depression. I told my husband that we needed to bring this water in case we ran into someone in the desert or in case there was some kind of emergency. He rolled his eyes at me as I put it on the counter very carefully (The drink was activated when shaken) and then he paid... and it would be THEN that I would see a small bag of sour skittles on a display that I just HAD to have. I grabbed those and put them on the counter and he got angry with me. He didn't want to reach back into his wallet for the $1.50 the skittles cost, so the cashier handed me an I.O.U. As I tried to sign it... I couldn't write my name correctly. Not only that, but I had tried to write my maiden name on it and was very upset when I realized that I was even writing the wrong name. The more I tried to fix what I had written, the worst it got, until I finally gave up and returned the scribbled mess back to the cashier.

We got into the vehicle to drive back to the desert. I noticed my husband had two key chains... one in each hand. They were made out of what looked to be aged bronze and they each had a bronze oval plate that was about 2-2 1/2 inches dangling from them... both looked ancient. I can't remember what all was on them exactly...I think one had a man on it and the other had a woman... they had a mythical feel about them and gave me the creeps. My husband stopped in the middle of a small country road. His mother was crossing and I thought he had stopped to maybe help her. In the dream, she was young and thin, but she still had her white hair. It was shoulder length and was curled over at the bottom. She was wearing a polka-dot dress that looked like something out of the 50's. He put both of the key chains together in one hand as he reached for the handle in the door ... I could feel a change in him. He got out of the car and started yelling at his mother. I got the feeling that he meant to kill her! I jumped out of the car and tackled him. Since he wasn't expecting me, I was able to knock him to the ground and pry the key chains out of his hand. When he came to, he had no idea what had happened and refused the story I gave him. He was very angry when I did not return the key chains. I threatened to throw them into the woods or destroy them if he kept trying to take them from me... and he eventually stopped... but it was clear that he resented me for taking them. I couldn't imagine what had come over him. I held the key chains together and they had no affect on me. I thought it would be easier to keep up with the key chains if I linked them together. Both of the rings were very small... one was a smooth, thin, regular ring key ring and the other was more decorative, thick and had many little bumps on it that made the ring look like a flower. I couldn't link them, but felt like it was probably for the best. If he managed to take it from me they would already be together and there was no telling what might happen...