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Scary Dolls - Printable Version

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Scary Dolls - Rhonda - 06-28-2014

I'm on a bus/train and I'm talking to this Asian girl and she is hanging backwards out the window of the train/bus (like a tram actually) and letting her hair blow in the breeze and I think I want to do that to. Then we are at her home. We are outside in the front of it and she has a small pool and it's full of family members. I get in the water. I like to swim but the water is not deep enough it's only 2 ft deep, almost like a hot tub. Then I get into a car and realize I am with a few friends, one is a real life friend Pat and I think my friend Stephen is there too. It is his car and we are in a car lined lane near a field/park and he doesn't realize there is not enough room to drive through and crashes badly into a parked car and I drop a cigarette and it rolls under the seat. I retrieve it. I hope the rug is not too badly burnt under there. He is upset but we go into a shop/diner closeby anyways.
We are there in the shop/restaurant and there is a doll that and it is possessed with something evil. It's an upsetting time. There is something really bad in the air and a feeling of foreboding. After a while others show up and my ex boyfriend is there too. (I haven't had him in a dream in months so it's weird) I introduce him to everyone. Something is going on there like a charity event with almost a party atmosphere. The police come and they hand everyone package like a big unfoldable card, it's some kind of complimentary gift for attending the charity. When I open it up a witch doll flies out and is released and when I close the card, it is like she is gone. Everyone does the same. They think it is a great trick and no one can figure it out. It's an illusion? I take mine apart and find out how it works and when I pull the mechanism out, it's the bruised bones of a doll baby and I know that something bad has been released into the world. I wake up then.