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After Math of Destruction - Printable Version

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After Math of Destruction - save life - 06-29-2014

This dream was all about survival...the after math of destruction. Me and a few other survivors were held up in an older couples home, due to Poisonious gasses in the air.
Some of the people did not get along with me, or a few other people staying with us so they left.
A young boy , about 10 or so came to stay with us. He had a bit of an attitude, but we got along. I understood him. He had a rough battle, to get where he was, and was just on "defence mode". We also understood one another, where others did not simply because we had the same kind of powers. Something other people missunderstood for arrogance.
A beast was continuously roaming the streets. He wanted inside the house but we forced him to go away. (The beast was pure Evil)
The boy dissapeared for a while, was soon fogotten about and or was assumed for dead. When to much peoples surprize, the boy came back, but with an alarming message: "We have enimies comming!! The beast is on his way back!" I guess not even the boy knew this for sure, he could just feel it.
Then a broadcast came over the radio..."There are survivors in NYC and need a new place to stay"
All the peoplewere happy, untill the boy said: "Thoes are the enimies!" Most of the people did not believe him, but of course I did! I then started finding any weapons I could, while the oters just watched in dissbelief wondering why?. I told them I believed the boy because I could feel it too. I also said that the enimies were closer than they thought, and everyone should start gathering weapons. But they all just sat arround, asking me: "why should we? How do you know??"
I answered: "I dont know...just like the boy, I just know!"
Right then the beast showed back up. He thought he got the surprize on us by popping his head through the door, but I surprized him with a mighty thrust to his neck, and chopped his head off.
Right then I told the others in the home to start gathering weapons!! We have a battle before us! Just as I was saying that, the Evil people broke in. It was the very same people who left before, a man and his wife. She attacked me first. Was on top of me trying to kill me any way she could. I had a nic-nack in my pocket and started hitting her in the head with it. Then the Man came in and jumped on me.....then I woke up.
Quote: "The beast had the head, main, and body of a lion, but walked up-right like a Man."