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What to do when the mice escape - Printable Version

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What to do when the mice escape - marigold - 07-17-2014

I have 5 tiny white mice in a small bowl like container---every once in a while I throw in some dry food. I have been doing this for awhile, I am walking around my childhood home with them and I notice they have gotten bigger and very active although still babies. They get out of the bowl and are running in circles and I am only able to get two back in the bowl, I will have to find the others later. My mother and sister notice this but say nothing. It surprises me that my mother lets this go without comment. I am in the basement looking for a better container and search everywhere without luck---the containers I find are either too short or have openings in them, like a laundry basket. Meanwhile the other mice have gotten out--one of them has found water and the whole time I am searching for a proper container I hear him drinking water. I had never thought to give them water and they must be really thirsty. The mouse stops drinking and I am able to catch him but he bites and claws my hand but not very hard. I decide to toss him into the garage---I open the door which is at the foot of the basement steps and gently toss him into the empty garage and close the door. I know it will be cold tonight and he will freeze but I have to get rid of these mice someway. It seems better than poison. A quick death might be more merciful but I don't think I can do that---I imagine holding each mouse and chopping off their heads. I will have to search for the other mice and will set out food and water and find them when they come to eat. I am walking up the steps as I think these things and slightly amazed at myself for not being afraid to pick up the mice. I am hoping that freezing to death is an easy way to die.