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Modified Butter-Flavored Corn - Printable Version

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Modified Butter-Flavored Corn - Elyse - 07-17-2014

I dreamt that there had been some sort of crisis and my family, along with hundreds of others, were gathered in a very big building. In the very back of the building was a sort of cafeteria. The room was very long and filled with tables and chairs, but they were all full. I had been lucky enough to grab a chair for each of my children, but the room was so packed that there were many people sitting on the floor and lined up against the wall.

I stood in line to get some food for me and my children. As I got closer to the front of the line, I could see that the things being served were hamburgers, grilled cheese sandwiches, or salad which was basically a big bowl of lettuce with no dressing or other vegetables. I was trying to decide out of these three options, which would be the best for my children. It seemed like we haven't eaten in some time, and I was unsure when we would eat again so I needed whichever offered the most nutrition... the bowl of lettuce was out. There would be less protein in the grilled cheese, but more calcium than in the burger maybe... or so I was thinking in the dream.

As I got closer to the front of the line, people started cutting in front of me. Most of these people were clearly very poor and homeless. Some of them even looked ill or diseased... and I just didn't have the heart to ask them to get back behind me... but then I saw that the food was running out and I still had to feed my children. But the closer I got to the front of the line, more and more people would cut in front of me and push me back... then I started to get angry, because some of these people, as poor as they were, were not supposed to be there, and I'm not exactly sure how or why I thought that. I just felt like they had no right to be in that line and the fact that they WERE there was making it increasingly difficult for me to get food for my children!

As I got pushed farther and farther back, I grew panicked as I watched tray after tray of food disappear just knowing that soon there would be no food left and I would have failed to feed my children. And just as I suspected, when I had FINALLY made my way to the front of the line, there was no food left.

I was so angry and disappointed. It seemed like everyone in the room was now eating except for my kids who sat and watched everyone else eat with sad, wanting eyes. I wasn't sure what I could do now... Just as I was about to leave, some curtains opened behind the cafeteria and there was a sort of stage. On the stage were a group of Asian people with crates of corn. They motioned for me to climb up the stage and be the first to try their corn.

Most of the corn had already been shucked, but was raw and uncooked. It looked just like regular, yellow corn. They insisted that I try it while on stage and I did. It was cold and crunchy, just as you would expect raw corn to be... but it tasted as if someone had smeared it with butter. The kernels actually had butter flavor inside of them! What's more is that the corn actually hade a very high nutritional value. They were somehow grown to produce more nutrients than regular corn.

After I tried it, several people climbed on stage to grab some. Most of these people were being greedy as they had cut in front of me earlier to get food before me. I watched as they scarfed down the corn, ear after ear, and after they had eaten so much of it, they got very sick to the point I was afraid they might die...

I didn't feel sick... but then again, I hadn't eaten very much of the corn, just a few bites. My dilemma now was whether or not I should bring the corn back to my kids... I thought that something would be better than nothing... but after thinking harder on it, I knew that those sick people had eaten the corn on a full stomach. Even if my kids just ate a little bit of corn like I did, they might get sick if that was all they had, so I decided that I would have to somehow find some other food for them.