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Something In The Lake - Printable Version

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Something In The Lake - SkyKing - 07-24-2014

I'm rowing a small boat in a lake. I run up on a rock submerged just below the surface that shouldn't be there and should have a marker bouy but doesn't. As I'm trying to free the boat from the rock with the oars that work better pushing than pulling, I suddenly have an outboard motor that pulls me off the rock and sends me toward shore. The motor is hard to control and I'm concerned about getting tangled in some floating ropes that mark off a swimming area but manage to miss them and get up on shore.

Another person meets me on shore and we keep looking out on the lake for something that is going to come out of the lake and harm us. We are concerned but not afraid as we don't know what it is.

I am now laying prone under a vehicle wondering why I'm hiding when I should be finding a weapon to protect myself from the thing in the lake. I crawl out from under the vehicle then I ask the other person when it will come for us and he says "