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Body/Spirit Conflict - Printable Version

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Body/Spirit Conflict - Elyse - 07-28-2014

I woke up from this one a bit dazed and confused. Like so many dreams, I feel like I can't remember very much and wondered if I should even put it in. Unfortunatly, there is so much in this dream that I am really just unable to put into words, because even seeing what I saw, I am not entirely sure how to put it into words.
In the begining of the dream, my husband and I had a fight. I was very upset and enraged over something he haddone that he absolutly should not have done. It was bedtime, and I was trying my best to stifle my anger towards him. Not proud to say that what he had done was so bad, that I had a difficult time controling myself. Probably the most difficult time I have ever had, because while I lied in bed looking at him, my mind bounced back and forth between wanting to rip him a new one and just packing my stuff up and filing for divorce. I dicided to rip him a new one.
Mid slap-fest we heard noises in the house and forgot about our issues for a moment. I heard noises coming from our master bathroom, and cautiously inched to the door, peeking inside to see movement in the glass shower. When I went to confront whoever was inside, the shower was empty, but the hand-sprayer was down swinging on the hose. Someone had clearly been in there.
My husband and I heard movement in the livingroom and we ran in together to find that it was also empty. While he investigated, I walked back to the bedroom. When I walked into the room I looked up to find a figure standing in front of the window. I can't really put to words what this figure was. It had the image of a man, but it was not a man, but it also kinda was. (I know... that it confusing.) I was startled by it, but did not feel like it was a bad thing. It felt male, and he had color about him, but not a color I can really describe, because I have never seen such a color before. There is just no such color in the world that I have ever seen, and to be honest, just looking at this figure made me very tired. It hurt my eyes and made me exhausted. Shocked and confused, I asked the man what he was, but I was not given an answer, I was transported somewhere.
Now I was in some sort of classroom. It felt like collage, but it wasn't. I felt like the classes were too advanced to even be collage classes. As strange as this sounds, the area I was in was half squeeky-clean, white walled, science lab, with the other half being overgrown forest. It was split right in the middle and probably one of the coolest/weirdest places I have ever seen in a dream. There were about three other people with me and it seemed to me like they had been in this class for a very long time. Two of the other students were male, and the other, who I was now partnered with, was a female like me. There was, of course, and instructor. He was VERY old. He had a kind face and long white beard with some grey streaks in it. He also had what I refered to as "mega eyebrows". He wore a sort of robe-like garment and a tiny strange hat on his head.
Though he was kind, he was very serious and never talked to me one on one, instead he lectured the class. Most of what he said was so hard to comprehend that I had difficulty grasping what I was being told. The other students were taking notes, but it was clear that they were having difficulty too, which was a relief to me.. considering they had been there much longer than me. We were being taught about two different bodies - the spiritual and physical body and how they sometimes have difficulty merging. (Or, that is the best way I can describe the lesson anyway) We were told about the spiritual bodies eternal exsistance and how, much like we have different people on earth, there are different spirits. Some spirits are stronger and more intense than others. Spirits were shown to us as being on a constant path of growth changing in many different ways that I am really unable to put to words. But no matter what happens, spirits are always in control of themselves and changing in ways they make or allow themselves to change.
Physical bodies, however, were shown to us much differently. We were shown different human fetuses and how they had changed over thousands of years... and yes, they had changed ALOT. I can't remember all of what the old teacher had told us, but he had said something that upset me because he made our bodies out to be some kind of weird science experiment. I was both offended andintrigued. He went on tosay somethingalong the lines of our bodies being a creationthat was meant to make us experience things in a different way and at the same time restrain us frommeeting our full potential as spiritentities. This was important for our spiritual growth for some reason. We actually needed the bodies wewere in for this growth to be effective and there was a long lecture involved in teaching us why... alot of my focus went into looking at how these fetuses had developed so differently over the years. I had no idea that humans had changed somuch. I thought we had been given a form and that was it. We stayed the way we were from then upuntil now, but it was clear now that we had in fact changed. We had always been inhuman form, don't get me wrong... but the human form had been slightly different thousands ofyears ago. The hands were different and the feet.Pretty much everything had been tweeked at some point, and it had been tweeked bysomeonemaking alterationspurposefully. We hadn't simply "evolved". It was a wierd lesson.
After we discussed this, we were shown some new fetuses. Now we were talking about how the body and spirit "merge". Well, we watched how the fetuses developed. When we first saw them, they both looked pretty much identicle. They were both in very early stages of development. They both had tails. As they developed, we noticed that one fetus was obsorbing the tail, and the other was not. I was horrified. I felt so bad for the baby and was now getting very uncomfortable in the class. We were asked why one fetus had developed correctly and the other did not. None of us had the answer, and to be honest, I was so upset that I really didn't care for the answer, I wanted him to help the fetus that wasn't developing correctly... as if he could. The instructor got aggitated with us and with me especially because I was now being very emotional and not paying attention. He yelled at me to think. I really couldn't. I was so upset... and now I was more upset because I had made him angry and was holding up the class. He then slapped some kind of stick with leather on the end on a desk to capture our undivided attention and raised his voice telling us that the reason the body wasn't developing properly was because it was. Which made no sense. He elaborated telling us that under normal conditions, a spirit enters the body and helps craft the body into it's image, customizing the body to fit its self. Which made perfect sense to me. Then he said that SOME spirits are very intense, very strong and the body will not develop correctly either in an attempt to limit the spirit like it is supposed to do, or because there are problems with a stronger spirit fighting control of the development. In the dream, the instructor told us that this was the reason people were born with physical or mental defects. The brain is a key element in keeping the spirit in check, and though we didn't go over that as much as fetal development... after seeing the fetuses develop, you really didn't need to. He had gotten his point across by searing it into my brain.
After his lecture. I watched the others jot down notes while I stood there watching the fetuses develop. I was dumbfounded. I didn't feel like I needed to take notes, because I would not forget what I was looking at. As I watched the fetuses develop, I felt so sad. One developed into the form of a little baby, and the other one started to obsorb his legs rather than his tail. His legs turned to little nubs and his tail grew longer and I started to cry for him. I wanted him to be normal.
Suddenly, I was transported into some sort of marshy area. I was waist deep in water and greeted my a man who was also waist deep in water. He looked normal from the waist up. He wore a t-shirt and glasses and motioned me to come closer and follow him. I felt like he was some sort of guide, and as I followed him, he started telling me about the area we were in and how ancient it was. And then I looked down into the water and could see that his legs were not right. He had a long tail and was swishing it back and forth to move through the water the way a snake would. He didn't have scales or anything, just a long, muscular tail made of flesh and muscle. He stopped when he saw that I had noticed his tail. I was worried that he would be offended, but he was not. Though, he seemed a bit saddened that I was shocked by the tail. We stood there in an awkward silence for a while before a group of ancient-looking people ran up to him and started showering him with fruit baskets, clay figurines, and gold. He accepted all of the gifts graciously before leaning over and whispering to me that he just couldn't convience these people that he was a guide, not a God. Then he laughed and asked if I was ready to continue. I was.
Wa kept wading through the marshy area and I noticed something swimming behind him. It was a blob fish. It was so ugly... but now I wondered what kind of spirit was in that ugly little thing. As I thought on that, we reached our destination. It was a huge stone temple! It was really awesome to look at, but it seemed like we were behind it. I couldn't see a door for us to enter. The guy looked so proud of this temple and put his hands on his hips and sighed saying that it was a shame that everything was all dried up now. I was about to ask him what he meant, because we had been wading through swamp for what seemed to be hours now. There was water everywhere... but before I could ask, I was back in the classroom.
Now all of the students were packing up their things. I didn't really have anything to pack up, but I helped sort and stack mountains of papers and school supplies. I had found a near-empty roll of duck tape and some asian sticky pads and had crafted what looked like a miniture asian shrine that I was going to leave for the instructor. I was pretty smug at how creative I had been and thought he might like such a neat little thing to keep his notes. I was upset that after I had finished building it, two of the other students had stuck notes on it for him, but I guess that is what I had built it for. Then I started wondering how I would get home... then how I would deal with my husband when I got home... but then I wondered where the heck I even was and how I had gotten there in the first place! That is when I woke up.