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Chaos, Submarines, and President Hillary - Printable Version

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Chaos, Submarines, and President Hillary - BlueMagneticEagle - 07-28-2014

In my dream, I was walking along a highway, and I saw some great commotion in a field to the right of me. There were a few fire trucks, a lot of police, some helicopters, and quite a few Federal agents. I wandered into the field, to get a closer look. I thought there was some sort of fire, or something happening with either a herd of cows or horses. As I approached a bunch of white, unmarked vehicles, a tall man with a military feel about him, walked up to me and asked me what I was doing. I asked him what was going on, and he told me there was nothing to see there, and I needed to leave. He grabbed my shoulder, turned me around, and escorted me out of the scene. After that happened, my dream changed, and all of a sudden, I was in a submarine, underneath the ocean. I was standing next to an Asian looking guy, and he had a very distant, cold look to his face. He was operating the sub, and was standing in front of a radar. He was mumbling something about being underneath the sea for a long time, and he was eager to get back home. I remember watching the radar, and seeing nothing but emptiness for a long time. I started to feel claustrophobic, and pitied the guy who had had to endure the cramped quarters and empty radar for who knows how long, when, suddenly, a MASSIVE image appeared on the radar, and we were headed right into it. I was instantly teleported out of the submarine and into the area of the massive image, which turned out to be a HUGE underwater city. I was swimming in the deep water, and found an entrance to the city, so I swam inside. At first, I saw just an empty city. No inhabitants of any kind. Then, suddenly, I was maliciously greeted by mermaids. Not the typical, beautiful mermaids, but mean, demonic looking mermaids. I panicked, and once again, I was thrown into a different dream set. This time, I was in a small town, with an old-Western type of feel. I was operating a cart on the side of a road, in front of a small bed and breakfast type place, and I was selling popcorn. I went through a few customers, and once I sold my last bucket of popcorn, I decided to go into the bed and breakfast to see what it was like. It was a VERY small place, with only 2 or 3 bedrooms that were rentable to the public. The main feature of this B&B, was it's closeness to an old railroad, and it offered rides on an old steam-engine train. It was very classic, and I loved the place. As I was heading out of the B&B, I saw some commotion in the lobby, and made my way into a small, barrel-shaped side room. Inside this room, was Hillary and Bill Clinton. I asked them what they were doing, and Hillary replied that she was there, awaiting the results of the Presidential election. I proceeded to yell at her, telling her that she wasn't good for the country, she was no better than Obama, and she did NOT have my support. She just stood there, smiled and nodded. As soon as I got done yelling at her, to my dismay, someone came inside the room to inform her that she had won the election. She was to be our next President. At that moment, she hugged Bill, and they proceeded to gather their things and leave, and that's when I woke up.