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Super Random Dream - Printable Version

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Super Random Dream - Elyse - 08-09-2014

Since my husband was off work yesterday, I was able to catch a nap around 1pm and had this dream.
I had gone to visit my parent's old house. It was burnt and gutted and there was stuff stacked out outside. I even noticed several small fish tanks and wondered why they would have those since they never much cared for fish. My father came out from behind and seemed almost happy to see me. He told me he had accidentally killed a "16 point buck" which I knew meant he had killed a deer, but never really understood how they measured them. (After the dream, my husband explained that the points were for the antlers... and I felt pretty ignorant.) Anyway, in the dream, the deer was HUGE, but I was thinking about making a shelter in their back yard for some reason and wanted to move it, so I tried to drag the deer to a burnt, ashy bald spot under a large oak tree for my father. I didn't really want to be close to it when he did his thing, because I have never been one who likes to hunt. I would only do it if I had to.
My dad came back and talked to me for a while before saying he had to go, and then he invited me to his new home. I told him I would meet him there later and he left. Before I left, I looked at his old barn. The old red walls were gone and it was made of glass now. I could see inside that the floor was uneven and there was a huge dip in the concrete that matched a dip in the ground. I wondered how I had never noticed that in all the years I had lived there. Also, I wondered why they had all of their things out in the yard when they could have stored them in their glass barn... but I guess that was none of my business. I decided to go ahead and make the trip to visit them in their new home.
I walked through a city to get to their new home. The journey felt like it took hours. When I got there, I was surprised to see that they were actually living in an apartment. I walked up to their home and was invited inside by my father. After welcoming me, my father walked into the kitchen and started cooking. He had poured in some kind of canned tomato sauce with noodles in it and was adding more noodles and some nuts to it. I asked what he was making and he gave me a name for it that I forgot. I told him hed have to give me the recipe so I could make it at home, and he got VERY upset and started yelling at me. I told him that I had not meant to offend him and that I thought he was kinda being a jerk, then went to sit down. My mother said something to him and he muttered "I'm sorry, cricket" under his breath.
I was surprised because my father never called me that. That was something only my grandparent's would call me. I was called "cricket" by them because of all the bug-hunting I would do as a child. I told my father it was ok, and he started telling me that I should get horse-riding lessons. I was a bit shocked by this because he made it a point never to let me ride horses growing up. My older half-sister did, and my aunt did, but my parents wouldn't allow me to in spite of my fascination with horses. I told him that I wish I could but I just didn't have the money to. He asked if I would if he did, and I told him I still didn't have the money to. In the dream, my husband was going back to college and we just didn't have the money for me to do that sort of thing right now. He then went on to ask me if there was anything I would want to do with him because he felt bad for not spending time with me as a kid. He also asked if there was anything he had done that had hurt or offended me, and I told him that, he had in fact upset me as a child.
He mainly only took my brother fishing the few times that he went, which hurt my feelings... but one of the last times he took me fishing, he got upset that I chose to collect rocks and moss and things on our fishing trip because I was not catching fish. It didn't help that I was a little girl and did not understand fishing without a bobber. He swore to never take me on another fishing trip after that one... and I think he only took me fishing twice after that. After telling him how I felt, he got angry and left saying he had to take a shower and couldn't talk to me anymore. He had a male nurse with him that helped him with his shower.
I was upset that he had gotten so angry, but also relieved to get that off of my chest. I wasn't being mean or anything, but he did ask, so I assumed he wanted the answer. I wanted to go fishing with him. My mother told me not to worry about him because he had violent mood swings from time to time. I assumed I wore out my welcome and was getting ready to leave when I saw my oldest son come around the corner to hug me. In this dream, he was a bit younger and living with my parents for some reason. I asked if she would mind if I took my son for the weekend to play with his brothers. (I have no idea why I had to ask, but when I realized that I had to ask, I got very irritated...) She said she didn't mind, and I promised to have him back by Monday. My son was running around in a diaper, so I got him dressed and was getting ready to leave when my father came out of the shower to say goodbye.
When we left the apartment, I had a hard time remembering which way I had come, and wandered around the parking lo lot until I saw some blue dumpsters. They seemed familiar so I figured I had come in from there. We left out that way and it started to get dark. I felt like we might have a very long way to travel, so my son and I stopped at a retro-looking fast food restaurant. It looked like people parked off to the side and came up to order and ate their food at little booths and tables outside. I thought this was pretty cool It was empty when we first got there, and when I went up to order, there were about five waiters just standing around next to the spot where you order, holding silver trays with condiments. I ordered two large orders of fries and a medium and large coke for me and my son. The total was around five dollars and some change. While waiting on my order, some guy who acted like a game show host asked me if I wanted to spin for a prize. I asked how much it cost, and he told me it would cost ten cents. I agreed and gave him some change, and on a huge tv behind him, squares started to light up and spin. It stopped on a "Sorry, try again." I shrugged and got our food.
The large french fries I had ordered were actually little cups of mashed potatoes with cheese on top, and a single cherry on top of the cheese... in fact, they looked as if they had been made to look like cupcakes. I thought this was kinda awesome. As my son and I sat down to eat, an older woman climbed up on top of a sort of stage and started singing "Sexy and I know It". She didn't seem shy at all and was singing at the top of her lungs. She didn't mind shaking it either. I thought this was spectacular and laughed until my ribs hurt as I cheered her on. You couldn't ask for better entertainment! Her fun energy just seemed to brighten everyone's day. She was with a group of other elderly women who whistled and cheered for her as they helped her climb off the stage. My son had been gobbling down those potatoes, and I was finished as well... and while I wanted to see if anyone else would come up and sing, we just didn't have time. I cleaned up my area, and as I cleaned, I noticed some Optimus Prime glow-in-the-dark sunglasses. This made no sense, but I decided I wanted to keep them. Then I saw some sort of children's toothbrush, it looked unused so I decided to take that too. Then I saw another children's toothbrush. It was still in the box so I took it too. The toothbrush in this one was shaped like Daffy Duck and had a little black chunk of fuzz on top of his head. I thought this was stinkin' adorable.
As we walked, it was getting darker and darker. It felt like it was around 12 or 1 am. I was walking a brick road and there was a guy walking ahead of me with sagging pants and a hoodie with his hood up over his head. I got a bit nervous, because it was late and I assumed there might be some creepy people out, so I pulled my son closer to me as we walked. We ended up walking behind the guy all the way into what looked like an old museum, and as we walked, the guy ahead of us started singing the opening base to a song I knew. It wasn't one of my favorite songs, in fact, I usually skip over this particular song... as we walked, other guys started coming in from nowhere, each singing a different part of the song. At first, they were not in rhythm together, but it did not take long for them to get in sync and the result was incredible. I thought it was so amazing that these strangers could just group up and start singing a song together perfectly. I wanted to sing too... but I couldn't remember any of the lyrics or whether or not there were any female vocals in the song. Also, I was pretty sure that I would somehow end up messing up what they were doing. I enjoyed listening to them, and decided that just listening would be best. When they finished with this song, they went on to sing another. I don't remember what the next song was, just that I didn't like it, and anyway, I was at the exit and needed to leave the building.
As I walked outside, I could tell that I had been walking for hours because the sun was rising. I thought that at this rate, by the time I got home, it would already be time to bring my son back to my parent's house. I should have had a cab drive us... but to be honest, I don't know anything about cabs or what kind of rate they normally charge... I thought maybe I should stop and order one now, but all I had was $66 and I wasn't sure that was enough. I was trying to think of other ways to get home more quickly when I woke up.
After waking up, it was bugging me to know the name of the song the guys were singing in that museum. I knew it was an Enigma song, so I broke out my kindle and started digging through my albums. That particular song is called "Incognito". I listened to it and read the lyrics and it kind of gave me the creeps. That's probably why I always skip over that song. lol