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Billionaire Wants to Save His Company - Printable Version

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Billionaire Wants to Save His Company - Bonnie - 08-09-2014

08 Aug 2014 I had a dream about a group of people that were at odds with each other in a city built over water. When I looked down into the water from the walkways there were dozens of sharks swimming. My husband decided to go swimming and I had to get him out of the water-- I didn"t understand why he didn"t see all those sharks. As I was going down the walkway I looked off to my left and saw a dead manin the water. I ignored him in order to get to my husband --sharks were all around him. I finally got to him and he left the ocean thank goodness and I was approached my two men who asked if I had seen the dead man at the other end of the walkway. I told them yes and went down to take a look. When I saw him the first time I noticed he had been shot and he was submerged. However, when I arrived at the spot where the dead man should be he was gone. I turned around and saw him alive on a boat leaving the area. I ran up the walkway into the city and found people that I worked with who were protecting someone important. We began to move more into the center of the city and a person working for an opposing organization began to open fire on us. One of the team members was shot but somehow (endorphins I guess) he jumped back up and we kept on running through the city firing behind us. I rounded a corner and a person from my own team fired at me by mistake. We exchanged words about this (I was pretty mad about almost being shot, who wouldn"t be) and we moved on to finish what we were doing. We ended at the top of a staircase inside a sort of tunnel that led through the city and just as I was about to jump over the edge to keep on fighting a man appears and gives us huge copper Centennial coins to commemorate our job being done. I didn"t realize we were done but this was his way of saying that we were. I felt really bad about taking the coins, I didn"t know who he was and they looked expensive (of course being copper they weren"t but in my dream they were of special significance). I took six of them and gave some to the team and tied to give him one back. He told me that he was a billionaire in town to protect his company and that it was quite alright to take them. I ended the dream realizing it was his legacy we were trying to protect.