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Dallas in the next 6 weeks - Printable Version

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Dallas in the next 6 weeks - Shadewolf - 08-20-2014

My intentions going into this dream were to identify the most major event affecting/occurring in the Dallas area in the next 6 weeks. Here's what I got:
(I was lucid in the dream and it was in color)
I was in a very large indoor space that had some subdivided rooms. There were not very many lights on, but there was subdued lighting in the room I was in. This room had interior windows through which I could see the vastness of the overall building. The immediate room I was in felt in one sense as it was a multi-family dwelling, and there were about a half a dozen people I didn't know at all hanging around the edges of the room watching. In the middle of the room on the floor, there was a very detailed small scale-sized city. It filled the floor of the room. At first I thought it was a lego project, but on closer inspection it was made of the same materials found in a real city. The city was dingy and there was alot of dirt and dust around it, it felt like it was dying and what vibrant life used to be there was now pretty faded. An older woman, with a thin build and strangely grey hair came into the room. She had no soul and very much seemed like some kind of automaton, or that her resident consciousness was actually located elsewhere and yet still in control of her body. She directed her attention on the miniature cityscape and began knocking buildings down, crushing them, or causing them to simply disappear. As distressing as watching that felt, she did not acknowledge my presence at all, nor could I do anything to change her course of action. As she continued to dismantle/destroy the miniature city, the light that I didn't realise was emanating from the little buildings until then, was getting less and less and the room kept getting darker.