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Hairy robots will consume us - Printable Version

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Hairy robots will consume us - rebeccaS - 09-07-2014

I was with a group of people. I don't know how many of us there were because I never actually
saw anyone specific (until later in the dream). I heard people talking around and to me. At least
two distinct male voices. We were in an abandoned? building that had a lot of stuff everywhere.
It was a hodgepodge of stuff from people's lives. We were on at least the second floor. There
were several large windows, some of which were busted out. We were in hiding from some sort
of being that I think was a robot but it didn't have arms and legs or any discernible features. I
think I remember seeing hair like ropy things all over. The building we were hiding in was very
close to these robots but as long as we didn't do something (can't remember what) they couldn't
detect our presence. I remember being yelled at to stop because whatever I was doing was
what they could detect. I remember wanting/needing to stay away from the windows.
At one point in the dream, towards the end, I was trying to cover all the windows that still had
glass in them with thick blankets so that the light from inside couldn't be seen from the outside.
Maybe the robots could detect light? I have the sense that we were in the dark in the building.
The kind of dark created indoors when you don't turn on any lights and it's not quite pitch dark
outside. Anyway, as I was putting up the blankets I looked over my shoulder and saw my friend
from work and I called out to her to come and help me. The dream ended as we were covering
windows together.
In the dream I was myself, not an observer. My friend from work was really my friend and
looked just like her. I remember that if the robots got in or detected us they would consume us
and that inspired abject terror. It was to be avoided at all costs