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Roommates, Catbug, and the Minecraft Far Lands - Printable Version

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Roommates, Catbug, and the Minecraft Far Lands - blueDREAM - 10-23-2014

Thursday October 23, 2014

I am exploring a house during a very unguided tour. It is close to winter school term and I am looking for a place to rent. The house is beautiful. It is very spacious and the architecture involves lots of artisan crafted wood panels, trim, and decor. The lighting creates a warm glow of an ambiance which contrasts nicely with the cold, dead outside world. I explore the first floor for a while which has a foyer, lots of living space, bathrooms, and at least one bedroom. I climb the stairs to explore the second floor. The first thing I notice is the kitchen across from the top of the stairs. How weird- who puts a kitchen on the second floor? The kitchen door on the right side of the hall is at an angle, pointing just off to my left. I step forward and see an almost industrial looking kitchen in a room that looks like a square with one corner cut off. A center island sits underneath a set of hanging pots and pans. Behind the island resides the stove. All of a sudden I see this black figure move from the side of the island to the face behind it. What was that! It peeks over the counter to look at me and I see that it is an utterly massive spider. This spider could barely fit inside a medicine ball. At first I am scared, and I run out of the kitchen and half way down the stairs. I man up and decide to kill it for the homeowner, climbing the stairs stealthily. I creep across the kitchen hoping the insect is behind the island where I last saw it. I reach my arm out above my head and grab a large pan. The insect crawls onto the top of the counter and I immediately slam the pan onto the counter as hard as I can. I miss it, and it jumps to the back counter and runs toward the other door. It has six legs which wrap tightly around its fur coated abdomen. This is unusual because spider legs reach out from the abdomen. I grab a second frying pan for the other hand and hurry after it. I almost catch it in the next room! Every time I look at it the insect gets stranger. It looks back at me and has the cutest face- that of a kitten. It also has a soft, furry black tail porpoising through the air behind it! What?!? I loose its trail and we run out of time. I have to go.
Despite the apparent infestation, I ultimately decide (with no hesitations) to purchase this house. I meet my roommates. Three gentlemen my age who go to school with me. We are seated on couches in the living room which is the front most room on the right side of the foyer. There is one couch under the picture frame window and a second couch perpendicular and to the right (from the perspective of someone looking in the window). A large coffee table which looks like a medieval chest adorned with iron straps and hardware sits in the center of the floor in front of both couches. I am on the couch which is not under the window sitting with a roommate to my left. Another person sits in a free-rolling chair across the coffee table from me. The last tenant sits under the window, and I don't get a good view of him. I had never seen them before, but we acted like we already knew each other. Some weeks had passed since I toured the house, so perhaps we met and got to know each other during this time. The kid sitting in the rolling chair takes out a small baggie containing some light green bud. I look left to the large picture frame window on the front wall. It is sunny outside (but freezing cold) and I can see the street and the houses on the other side. I think to myself that it may be a bad idea to be doing this right in front of the window, but its our home and this is where we live so fuck it. He opens the bag and holds the aperture forward so I can smell it. I smile in satisfaction and he takes out a small aluminum grinder with the yin-yang symbol painted on the top. He opens the grinder and adds some nuggets from his baggy. He passes the open grinder to me. I reach in my pocket to obtain a small vial of bud when I see Catbug peek his head from the foyer around the wall into the living room. I jump out of my seat and chase Catbug right up the stairs, grinder still in hand. I run into a room with carpet and jump on all fours. The grinder lands, still in hand, on the carpet and some of the ground up weed jumps into the carpet fibers. I chase Catbug further until we end up back in the kitchen. I choose my weapon and move in for the kill. Catbug hides behind the center island again. I creep over to the left side and then Catbug does something unexpected- he slowly walks out from behind the island and rubs the side of his body against my legs, purring the whole time. This of course takes me off guard. He curls his tail in a crescent over the back half of his body and looks up at me. His green saucer eyes highlight his kitten face and I just can't do it. In this moment, I choose love. I set the pan down on the counter and use my left hand to pet his lower back. I cup his right shoulder with my other hand and his purring grows stronger. I realize he is a pet, who the landlord leaves here for whatever reason. I calmly walk back downstairs. I would imagine no one knows why I did that, so I announce "So... I met Catbug." I explain the grinder spilled in my antics and I would not only match but replace the missing volume. Here is where the dream becomes fuzzy... At some point after this I become lucid and get really excited that I am lucid. Because this dream isn't too unrealistic, my mind convinces me that I am in fact not asleep, but that I have become lucid anyways as a sort of practice. I begin changing things within the house, such as making objects appear and disappear.
Before I have too much fun, the entire dream-scape changes. I am actually dreaming now, I must have fallen asleep for real. I am standing on grass. Things are suspended randomly in free space. Everything is composed of cubes- I am in Minecraft! I love dreaming about Minecraft! But this isn't any world that I've ever seen. Everything is discontinuous, like the Far Lands of a Minecraft world. My dream does take place in these Far Lands but my dream is far more exotic than the in-game counterpart. First, the backdrop is pure white. Second, a disproportional number of the floating chunks of earth contain or are composed entirely of lava. I begin flying around the map exploring. I fly up, and then continue up and forward to create a 45 degree angle. I can go in whatever direction I want, at whatever speed I want, as dictated by only my thoughts. I pass by some lava blocks. I can feel the heat radiating in infrared. I can feel the air moving across my face. The heat feels the best though. Noclip is on while I'm flying, because I can fly straight through solid objects as if they aren't even there. I fly through some earth and lava, and the heat builds but never becomes unbearable or even uncomfortable. I continue exploring. I level out and arc left, ultimately making a maybe 150 degree turn. Thus far I have only seen extraordinarily out of place natural (Minecraft) objects. Soon I begin to see a small portion of man made (Minecraft) objects intermingled in the debris. There is a house! There are some tools. I keep flying until I end up with a yellow basketball in my hands. I look up and see a yellow circle. I throw the ball and swoosh! I hear a sound indicating my point. I look down and find a blue basketball. I look back up and throw to the same yellow hoop as before. The ball makes it, but the computer makes a rejection sound, like a buzz. I fly forward through some more pieces of earth to find a blue basket is hidden behind them. I throw the ball and swoosh! The computer makes another noise and I know the puzzle is solved. Wait- this is a puzzle. The blue ball falls to a matte gray platform below. The platform is completely out of place in the Far Lands because it has continuity. This must have been built by someone. The basketball hoop is close to a right-angle turn in the path. The path arrives from seemingly infinitely far away, makes its turn, continues maybe 20 meters, and turns 90 degrees to the right again. It disappears into the terrain, where you can't see more than 50 meters in any given direction.
I set down on the gray platform. It would be fun to solve some puzzles! I walk along the path looking for more. When I follow the second turn, I see a table on the left. Nothing on the pathway is composed of cubes like the rest of the world. I pass the table, but something catches my eye. There is a poster on the wall behind the table, a bucket on the floor in front of the table, and a man standing behind the table. This is another puzzle! I begin solving it while three gorgeous, tall, skinny, brunette women walk up from the direction in which I came. They are talking to the man behind the table. I catch their attention and they start looking at me, still holding their conversation. I look down at myself and learn that I am wearing nothing but boxers. That's okay with me. I suck my gut in and stand up straight, but it doesn't make any difference because they're already interested in me. One of them notices and even chuckles a little. Two of them get very close to my body while the third girl continues their conversation with the person manning the table. Somehow I begin to know things about them, just intuitively. I know at least some of them are virgins. I know they are looking for someone...
Another guy walks up to the table from the same direction as the rest of us. The girls start off down the gray hallway and I follow. They turn left and enter our house. They walk through the foyer and up the staircase. They close a door sealing off the top of the stairs. I get the impression that is a private area. They must live here. The other guy who showed up at the table is behind me, and he turns out to be one of my room mates from the beginning of the dream. He says something about "getting them". My thoughts reassure me that I am already a step ahead. It should be mentioned that at some point my clothes returned, because I don't remember being in my boxers while interacting with anyone else. To the left of the bottom of the stairs is my room, with the light on. I turn right and enter the room one-back from the living room. It's Sam's room! Sam lives with me again! I ask him how he is settling in. He says he is doing well. There is a window behind him which begins half way up the wall. It is daytime but it is a dull or dark blue outside, almost as if the winter is saying 'the sun is up, but this is all the light you are getting today.' The window is frosty. We talk about school term for a minute. I awake.