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Mass Suicide Water Slide - Printable Version

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Mass Suicide Water Slide - F0r3st0fSpac3 - 09-11-2014

We were on a mountain top. It was snowing. Everyone was there. Everyone was connected. There was a giant water slide that went down the moutain and into the sea. There were people all around it all down the mountain side. They were engaging with each other. They were watching people ride. They were in line waiting for their turn. At the very top people were walking around and socializing. Everyone was there for the slide. I was with a friend. She was in high spirits. There was a box with benches to my left. people were sitting at watching. this is where they were waiting for someone. They were waiting for the people they would take the ride with. I saw my love. I saw his big smile and my heart was overcome with joy for being reuinted. he met my eyes and got up to meet me. I started jumping over fences and benches to cut thru to him. he hadn't realized and was walking thru the path to the door. I quickly jumped back over the benches and emraced him. He seemed happy but was more business than pleasure. he still smiled as he asked me if I've found a seat in line. He is getting a little more loving and tells me to go and find a place and to tell him when I have found our spot. That he will join me there and will wait in the box until I do. I returned to my freind. I was being informed that the slide was a mass suicide slide. Everyone was there to ride and die. We leaned over a railing and I watched as a group of people bolted down the slide together into the dark blue icy ocean. I realized it was the actual freezing water that would presume fatal. My heart raced at the idea of the suffering. I woundered about survivors and immediatly saw people swimming/being pushed back to shore and the spectators closest rushing to the beach to pull them out and warm them up. They chose not to let it take them. I decided I wouldn't do it. Someone standing near (a face I recognized from an earlier part of the dream unrecalled) standing with two more individuals was eavsdropping as I told my friend I wasn't going to be riding. They came over and the one with my attention introduced himself by holding mine and my friend's hand. They pierced me with their eyes and I can feel the difference in mine and his touch to his and my friends. I act as a reciever and hers had no current. He jokes asking "you don't like me?" with a laugh. Our energy doesn't lie. The two females with him are now addressing me and asking me questions. The dominant one informing me that she likes (platonically) me and if I like (romantically) her friend she will not like me because it is a mark of my character. I ignore her and entertain the smaller more submissive one who resembles a childhood innocent. She seems very pleased with me. We decide to leave together. Later I am approaching them at what seems to be a forest cafe. A secret and seclussive place. I notice there are others there. Survivors of the slide and others who chose not to ride. I ask the group if my love had taken it. They said he had. Nothing mattered anymore. I cared for nothing. I left them with out saying goodbye. I had no desires to interact with them any longer. I tried going back in hopes of finding my love. images of him in lost flodding my eyes. I ended up on the side of the cafe. Trees, snow and darkness. To my left I can see the back patio of the cafe. People laughing and enjoying each other. It looks warm and inviting... but I don't seem to be able to get back in. I didn't have anywhere to go but I knew I had to go somewhere. So I started climbing the trees. I knew which branches to hold onto to get to the next tree. I went higher and higher and further and further away from the cabin and away from everyone. My dream ended with me holding onto a strong branch. My left foot and a broken limb. My right positioned between a branch and the trees trunk.

After I awoke, I sat and thought of my dream. I let myself slip back into sleep.

I'm in "my" living room. Its an apartment. White and minimal. I have friends over. Someone is at the door. Its an old friend and she has brought two friends. One is a dominant blonde and the other looks like the submissive from my dream earlier. She is introduced as Jesse. I already knew her name as it was said. I told her I knew I was going to meet her and that I had a dream about her. She is happy. I decided not to tell her the details for fear of upsetting her. Her friend starts to talk to me about her ideas on dreams and what she thinks they mean. She is aggressive and contradictory to my beliefs but I know that it doesn't matter. Her opinions are based off of her perspective of dreams. My other friend starts to play her electrical guitar without an amp and I tell her that I have my accoustic if she wants to try it. She asks about my music and I tell her I've been working on it but that its not progressing much. I go to grab my guitar and the submissive sweet girl follows me and sees into "my room". I can feel that she sees and accepts me when she looks into my room and we are connected. Once she is away from her more close minded friend I can let my guard down and have a real connection with a kind soul. My dream recall stops here.