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Abandoned country city with a beast captive beneath it. - Printable Version

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Abandoned country city with a beast captive beneath it. - hereholdthis - 09-27-2014

This dream followed a night of a restless mind. I even questioned if I actually slept at points.

There were 3 sections of this dream, but they all shared the same location.

I was in a country town. There were many trees, valleys, and hills. The foliage was very dark green, and it was beautiful. The buildings were old, but not beaten. Some were dark brown wood, and some were painted with fading paint.

I entered into the town almost like I was on a mission and I was being introduced to the society systematically. I was being given a tour of my new place of work. I feel like I was with people, but I'm not sure if people were there at all. It's a hard feeling to put in words. I left this building and looked at a few more. In parts it was carnival-esque, a place of intense capitalism and decent wealth in terms of the status of their architecture.
I perhaps awoke, but I cannot remember for sure. But there was a definable gap in between this part and the last.
I was in the town again, and I found a pamphlet about the town/area. It directed me to head down the road and check out the downtown. There were numbers on the pamphlet, I'm thinking 70's and 100's. Either fractions, comparisons, or percentiles. I did as it suggested, as I was completely autonomous in this tour; I could not conceive anything else I would be doing.

I went to the 'downtown'. I felt very natural on the walk there. Like a 'this is just what you do when you are here' feeling. The buildings of this section were much more meager and far apart. There were more trees, and higher hills with thicker grass. I believe I spent time with an deeply impoverished family. They lived in a muddy section and their buildings looked like they were made with thin sheets of wood.
I then continued the tour and encountered a building that might have also been in the uptown. It was tall and thin, and was painted blue and pink. I entered it and it was a fun house. I had to work here now. I was carried in a cart through the 'ride'. To be honest it was creepy. Each room only consisted of old, different colored walls. Light pinks, blues, reds, greens. As I turned a bend, I slapped a sticker on one of the walls. I felt like I was symbolizing my rejection of the place.
I was then led outside again, and in the tall grass I found a wooden door that led to an underground room. I opened it, and it was dark and terrifying inside. I began to ask some of the families around about the chamber, and they all said to avoid it and not go anywhere near it. I could now think about nothing but this chamber.

At some point, more light then before shone inside. It had other wooden buildings inside that touched the walls, creating a decent sized path in between them. The light only showed the front halves of these buildings, as they grew black with shadow further down the hall. Some people were with me, intrigued by the new angle of light. They were huddling and trying to decode what was inside. After focusing, I saw a flash of light, then I saw a large key ring, with 1 or 3 keys on it hanging next to a door on one of the underground buildings. It was on the precipice of being cloaked in shadow, and I felt this was the first time the key ring had seen the light of day.
I then began to fight with my fear of climbing into such a scary space. Which is strange, because in my dreams I usually do not fear anything to the point of paralysis, as I am invincible. How fast could I run to the key ring and open the door? What if they keys weren't to that door, and I would have to go into the blackness? What was behind the door?

I sucked it up and started to descend the ladder very slowly. As I did, I heard a rustling from down the path inside the chamber. Then a roar. There was a massive lion beast, with a strange face and scales on it's body. I remember looking down the ladder and seeing it looking up at me. I was so massive and evil that I was utterly terrified and ascended the ladder. It then began to try and climb the ladder, and I realized if this creature escaped the world would be over. I felt responsible for awakening the beast, and I then trying to beat it down by manipulating the top of the ladder, to no avail. At this point, it was nightmarish and I was relieved to awaken and realize it was only a dream.

The third part of the dream was boring. I just finished exploring the town. I brought my wife and some friends. We went through the 'fun' house, and the sticker I placed on the wall was still there in the same room and spot.