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Flying! - Printable Version

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Flying! - KimSpirit - 10-03-2014

(Note: I utilized new TMI audio technology, known as SAM, which allegedly assists with sleep state phenomenon. This particular audio included SAM sounds, accompanied by voice commands for meditative "quiet mind". I only used the tape for about 10 minutes. My goal is only one thing: to learn the truth. What exactly happens to each of us as we enter Delta or even Theta sleep?)

Scene #1: I am FLYING over Boston, MA. I am not in an airplane. My spirit body is performing the flying. What a rush! I see the Boston Projects in a particularly mean part of the city. There is an informal basketball court set up adjacent to the Projects. The Projects are brick, with a light colored vinyl above the brick, maybe cream or yellow. There are adults playing round ball on the courts. About 3-4 blocks away, I see a man in his 40s getting ready to enter a lovely Victorian mansion that is for sale. It appears to be a 3 or 4 story building, centuries old, brownstone, row house. I understand that it has been languishing on the market, with hundreds already having seen it, with no interest. The man goes in, moving room to room, wondering if he has the ability to renovate it. I am walking beside him. He is somewhat familiar to me, at the same time, a stranger. The man is an academic type, wearing a beige cashmere overcoat, long, having dark brown hair and light brown eyes. He wants the house, covets it. It is partially furnished, including a bedroom antique bureau, with an odd rack on top, containing Roaring Twenties hair pins, some plain and some decorated. As the man ponders, I go outside and see about two feet of snow laying on the ground, including the walkways. It is cold and snowy. Somehow, I fly back into the air, operating a snowplow that I cannot see. The emotion is exhilarating. I am able to successfully "plow" snow for a short time. After demonstrating that I could, I come back to earth, satisfied that I plowed the snow, able to operate the plow that I could not see.

Scene #2: My contact Cherokee: "I am sick to my stomach".

Cosmic Jukebox, or the mysterious music or songs that I hear: "Don't sleep in the subway" by Petula Clark. ???? (hypnapompic state)