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Journeys. - KimSpirit - 10-10-2014

After an absence of almost a week, the vibrations and the dream experiences returned to me. I immediately detected the vibrational state upon being awakened by one of my cats (hypnagogic state), noting that I was cycling quite high (inner vibrations). I returned to sleep. These experiences from my brief notes. Whacky! But, presented to you as each happened:

Scene #1: This may be quite difficult to explain. I was "out" and conscious, while my body continued to slumber. In my house appeared a (man/child?) identified as only "Michael", per my notes. After awhile, I recognized this Michael as someone I had gone to grammar school with, a long time ago. I had known Michael as a child. We were both small children then. He had a white blonde crew cut, and blue eyes. Although my mother knew his mother, Michael and I were not friends, just classmates. In this dream state, Michael was heavy with guilt over the consequences of his earthly actions, particularly, how it affected his brother, identified as Henry. In real life, I did not know any Henry. I "observed" Michael overcome with somber reflection as to how much he ended up humiliating his brother. His head was "hung down" with shame.

Upon awakening, I had to do a little research. This dream involved an individual I have had no contact with in decades. So, what did it mean? According to newspaper reports, Michael K. had been arrested in 2007 under the suspicion of pedophilia, as a teacher at my former high school. There IS a brother, known as "Hank", who is reportedly working as a teacher or coach, same high school district. Simultaneous with the Michael arrest, there was the arrest of yet another teacher, same high school. I could not find any current information on the criminal cases.

Scene #2: I was placed into the "new retirement apartment" of my mother and father (both passed on). My mother had gone out on errands (in this experience). I was utterly unfamiliar with the locale or the building. In the combination kitchenette and living room of this spacious apartment, I began to try and clean up for my mother, while she was out. In doing so, I found myself accidentally dumping over kitchen items she had placed on the various counter tops (in my haste). Quite suddenly, my father appeared before me, elated to see me, and excited to show me around. This is where things get a little strange, and I may inadvertently include my interpretations of same. My father wished to show me where he was sleeping, his bedroom. Clearly, the two had separate bedrooms. He showed me his bedroom, and - although it was spanking clean - I saw tufts of his hair around the bed, on the carpet. He was ashamed, then saying, "No, this is not my bedroom, Kim". We went off to yet another bedroom, but - instead of seeing a bureau and a bed - I saw floor to ceiling racks containing all sorts of sports equipment, from baseball to basketball, and all of the equipment associated with each and every sport. I turned to my father and said, "You surely are not using this as your bedroom." He grinned, and admitted his room was the other room already showed to me. Notes: Clearly, the tufts of hair on the floor was a realm dedicated to my father's horrible experience with cancer and chemo. His greatest horror was losing all his hair, session 2. I can still remember his screams when his hair fell out, mid-80s. The other room containing sports equipment pointed to my father's great love of all sports. He had been a star athlete, in spite of a horrible, abusive childhood, and he eventually became a pro baseball player, triple A.