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P1_07 Explosions - Printable Version

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P1_07 Explosions - rebeccaS - 10-10-2014

My husband and I are looking at houses because we want to move (we are not looking to move in reality). There are three houses we are looking at but we only ever make it to two. It's strange because the houses aren't your average suburban home they are mansions with brick facades, marble, etc (something in real life I'd never be able to afford). I fall in love with the first house. I implore my husband to let's buy this house but he won't because he wants to see the others first. I'm very upset because I want THIS house. This house is in Napa.

We leave and go to the next home. I fall in love with the second house too! I can't believe how utterly perfect this house is. We are outside and it's a perfect sunny day but the temperature is cool. I'm looking around the outside of the home and my husband says to me, 'there's just one small problem.' I ask "what?" He says, "this house is in Ventura." What! I'm so disappointed. Ventura is in Southern California. We live in Northern California. How can we just move? We don't have jobs there. But I seriously consider it. I don't remember the details of this house but it was very much like the first: Mansion with lots of rooms, brick exterior, etc.

The dream starts over. We're in the first house again and I'm looking in the master suite. This time I'm not as enamored with this house. I notice everything is aging, some things are falling apart, and the master bedroom is so small! It will never do. We get ready to leave and somehow we know there have been explosions outside. I can't remember if we heard them or if the Realtor heard about it on her phone. We go outside and look around and we see the smoke coming from the explosions. I don't see any damage and the amount of smoke isn't that much. There wasn't anything close to the house we are looking at but we can see into the distance from the entryway. I notice two or three smoking areas. One of the areas I notice is Ventura. For some reason I can see all the way there.

Note: One of the things I noticed in the dream is the first part where we are looking at the houses, everything is in a kind of fog, not absolutely clear. When the dream starts again everything is in sharp focus so I can really see the details.

The dream morphs and I'm with a group of strangers. I don't think my husband is there. We are up high somewhere looking down but I don't know what we are looking at because it is pitch black. There are lights where we are. Everyone has computers and we are waiting for a game to start. Maybe baseball but not sure. Off to my right is someone of importance but I never see them, I just know they are important and they have the equipment we need to watch the game. I get out of my seat to get my iPad since I heard someone say there was wifi. I'm sitting on my suitcase and when I open it up there are all of these compartments holding different stuff and you have to lift each compartment in order to get to the next; each compartment is on a hinge. I have wood flooring samples in one compartment. I sit back down and there is a young, 20 something, Hispanic man sitting next to me looking at me curiously.

The emotion in the first part of the dream is happy and elation then heartbroken. I never feel fear about the explosions.