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Journeys. - Printable Version

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Journeys. - KimSpirit - 10-15-2014

(Misc. Notes: Vibrations returned, but "morphed". These were centered heart chakra; vibrations not as violent, but FASTER in cycling. I woke up briefly, hypnagogic, with "dreams" or imagery about Fukushima; scolded myself - saying that my intention was not that. I wished I had written down notes, as I can remember nothing now. Fukushima imagery was quite crisp and important. Now, no recall).

Dream experiences: I am once again in a motel in an unfamiliar setting; actually, a motel suite (repeat theme), large with multiple doors and rooms. KJ (husband, passed over) was sleeping next to me. We both awakened same time, and as we began to converse, three giggling drunk college girls, somehow, got into the room, hoping they could find an empty "free" room to spend the night (translation: stealing someone else's paid for motel room). I called the front desk, and security arrived, escorting the drunk girls out of the motel. KJ and I were, quite suddenly catapulted into a mall scene (repeat scene), with this vast mall somehow "attached" to the motel. KJ was extremely quiet and somber, causing me distress. I tried to talk to him, as we walked through the mall, but he remained detached and quiet and somber. We arrived at a restaurant, featuring pastries. It was a serve-yourself buffet style; KJ sat down with his coffee, while I picked out a pastry or two. There were free Christmas cookies available on a separate plate, tree shaped. I chose one of those, dropped it. And, picked out two more fruit pastries, as well as iced tea, which I placed into a big aluminum jug I had, using their dispensing spigot. I got to the cashier, a lovely older woman, light blonde hair, inquisitive blue eyes, chubby, and she rang me up $64.00 for the iced tea alone, plus the pastries. I was outraged I saw the number: $64.00 plus $3.45 for the pastries on the register. No way I was going to pay that for iced tea, and I told her to take it back, including the pastries. We left the restaurant, and headed back into the mall, with me starving for food ENERGY, needing it right away. KJ used a restroom, and I saw a restaurant kiosk featuring African sandwiches, starting with a "G", with more of a Jamaican sounding name for these specialty sandwiches. I was so hungry, I thought about quickly buying one, until I remembered I was vegan. KJ came out of the rest room,and we joined hands, while he remained very somber. Using NVC, he explained that our separation had been difficult, but that his love for me was powerful, and that we could work through it all (was the sense I received). I was relieved. Looking out of the plate glass windows of the mall, I saw triple falls, huge beautiful falls, more like Victoria in Rhodesia. Lined up, one after another. Breath-taking and out of this world, so to speak. I said, "what are those?" and was told "Honeyoe" Falls. ???? Name spelled out for me, as on a sign held up. Cosmic Jukebox - upon awakening, a song that took me a good long time to figure out. At least an hour to figure out the song. Only a lyric snippet and melody snippet remembered; that's all. But, it continued to play repetitively, hypnapompic stage. I wished I could link it here. For the interested, after the dastardly job of trying to figure out the song, I found it, with lyrics: YouTube, Owl City - Fireflies - Lyrics, posted by MegaLyricMania, Sept 26, 2009. Enjoy!