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Space Exploration and Friends - Printable Version

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Space Exploration and Friends - Aixia - 10-19-2014

Very brief dream, we were at a friend's home, and he was female. (In real life this friend is male and is homosexual) He had two older sisters. Anytime we'd begin giggling hysterically, one of the sisters would come in and my friend would get all quiet. I got the distinct sense that she was abused by these sisters in some way. She'd never make eye contact with them, and they would come in and just hover and the didn't look friendly. They were not smiling. At this point I wondered if this was why my friend ate so much. I resolved that I would simply love my friend as much as I could and ensure they had amazing amounts of fun when I was around.

The dream shifts....

I was up in space visiting a couple of friends who were doing educational studies.

By this point, humanity had learned quite a bit about space travel and exploration. Since space travel was available to everybody, many organizations began putting money into research and development of space suits, engines, space faring craft and such.

So I'm up there where two friends of mine are docked at this educational docking station. I had worked with both of them before. One recently left to go work for Limelight networks, and the other still works with me. As I'm hanging out I begin to get fidgety and bored. I ask the guy who went to Limelight where he got the cool suit. He said that as space travel became more prevalent that his organization didn't have to waste money on a lot of trial and error and could spend their money on what worked. To which I responded, "So your company bought you the suit." In the dream I was really indifferent and could care less about his philosophy. This guy is of average height and weight and could be considered fit.

My other friend, on the other hand, is clinically obese. This is the one I had visited earlier in my dream that was female at the time. He's sitting on top of a blow-up rocket that is white and red. I casually lean across from one ship to his blow-up rocket. I grin and say "Fancy!" Then I lay there with my head on his rocket and a arm draped around it so it doesn't go spinning, while my legs are hooked onto a bar that's attached to the educational space center. After a brief pause that seems forever, I ask "Whatchya doin?" To which he responds, I'm working on my expense report!" As he shows me a stack of receipts. I then begin to think very mischievously, but thought better of it. I could have sent him rolling on that blow up rocket, but he might not be very happy with me if I did that since he was being serious right now.

Apparently we had make breakthroughs in how to have breathable atmosphere in space, because none of us were wearing helmets. Some people were walking around in shorts. The latter friend was in shorts as he was doing his expenses.