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Dead Husband Does Not 'Move On'/Being tested at work - Printable Version

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Dead Husband Does Not 'Move On'/Being tested at work - rebeccaS - 10-19-2014

An elderly woman and man are married for many years. He dies but in the dream I can see his spirit still occupying the physical world. I see them together in different situations. In one they are sitting and having breakfast together like they did many times before. I'm pretty sure the wife can see him. The wife remarries and suddenly she can no longer see him.


The husband is fully formed and does not look like a ghost or spirit at all. Somehow in the dream I know he is dead but I can't tell by seeing him.


Thinning of the veil between the living and the dead. The thinning of the veil is what some believe happens at Halloween. I have not been talking about, or even thinking about, Halloween.

This dream is layered over another but I can't remember too much about the second. All I can remember is I am at work hanging around the nurse's station. I think it is shift change because there are A LOT of nurses there, more than what is usual for a typical shift. I have to be tested for something and 'they' (I don't know who) are making a nurse (that everyone feels doesn't do much) conduct the testing. I am not afraid of anything, just waiting. I'm actually laughing with everyone else. I need to talk to my charge nurse but when I look around for her I see her up on a tall ladder doing something up near the ceiling.