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Muriatic Acid Incident - Printable Version

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Muriatic Acid Incident - Iris - 10-20-2014

I was at a Brittany Spears concert with a very large, happy, entusiastic crowd. At some point, there was an announcement that for security reasons everyone must leave the concert. I went out to the parking lot, where the concert crowds were milling around. Suddenly, there was a small explosion, and some people started to run away. I went to my car to leave. My brother, Rick, then called me and said not to start the engine. I lifted the hood, and security or police came over. There was a bag of pellets that reminded me of round cereal in appearance. The security men said it was an explosive and told all the people in the vicinity to quickly leave. Two Indian (from the country) women in saris with a baby in an infant carrier were talking nearby, and ignored the security announcement. I told them to 'move move' and when they didn't I grabbed the infant carrier and infant and ran. The pellets then exploded and I felt pinprick burns on my exposed skin, and I had the thought 'muriatic acid'. (I googled 'muriatic acid' and that's another name for hydrochloric acid.)

Feelings: fairly calm until the end when I was running with the baby, then anxious