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The Stars. - Printable Version

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The Stars. - KimSpirit - 10-21-2014

(An absence of dream recall is being experienced. Vibrations remain immense, but no recall is available. Weird! These brief memories from night before.)

My husband (crossed over, 2011) was with me, and we had been selected for Dancing With the Stars. (Neither of us watched the show, and were not big fans of dancing.) We were together in a large convention hall, with lots of other people milling about. I looked over to my left and said, "Look! Rosie got picked too!". (Note: I know no one named Rosie; but this woman was in her 40s, dark haired.) As we were waiting for (something?), men in suits walked by and handed us access cards. These were magnetic stripped, chocolate brown in color, with white embedded alpha and numerals. We took ours, examining them. No further information.I had begun to look at this in a literal sense rather than in a t.v. show way. Dream state or out of body, i.e. "dancing with the stars".

Final Note: A dream-contact asked me to include this, from the same night. She ("C") dreamed she was walking up a series of ladders. She would make her way to the top of a ladder, only to have a new ladder present itself. She would have to climb that ladder too, until the next ladder arrived. She woke up physically exhausted, with her calves sore. She wondered how that could be if it was all in a dream.