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Answers Revealed - Printable Version

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Answers Revealed - Trapper - 10-30-2014

As of late, many of my dreams have been 'of religious nature' (so I preface any explanation to those who don't know me, by stating I am NOT devout, quite agnostic, and very secular in general). I am not sure why so many of my dreams have turned religious as of late, but as many of them seem to be 'powerful dreams' if accurate, I do want to make sure they are shared with others who may have had similar dreams.
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I just awoke from a very troublesome sleep, feeling like I did not rest at all. I clearly remember having a very long, very in-depth conversation with someone centered on 'symbology' and its relation to matters recorded in various religious texts. The ones that stood out had to do with our end-conversation, about Biblical Revelation, and how it was 'so hidden' and why it had to be so.

In the conversation, points of 'parable' were simply given clarity, like looking at a dictionary and looking up an unknown word or term. It was explained that the 'religion that his father knew not' was referencing the 'religion of science', that the Whore of Babylon was in fact, a set religion of economic currency (we went deep into that singular subject, but there is not enough time or space to write all that we spoke of here). I asked 'what the beast was', and was told that it was man's incessant attempt to refute a god and then to build a 'one world man-government' as a plagiarized copy of what he already said he would bring in the end. The first beast was Rome, and the second was the new one world order men are intent to create.

I asked about timeliness, and the voice responded 'men seem to think that all things have not yet happened, and will happen 'on-demand' as they expect it to, yet many promises have been already honored centuries ago, and so little is left to be accomplished still'. I asked about science again, and was told 'when the 'scroll' is rolled away, and the thing men call 'a hologram' is removed, they will see that space is not what they have seen to this point, and that they have no reference nor validity for what they think or base their science on. That men have lied to men of 'science' until none actually know the truth of even laws that are followed above, let alone what their own 'truth' is.

I asked about 'how soon' would these things end, and was told I would be here until the ending sequence began (I am 60 now). I asked again, will it be soon? I was told 'it will not be tomorrow, but you will be here when it begins, it has already began, but you know this already'. (cryptic cop-out, since we had already discussed that some of it had been honored centuries earlier).

I asked about America, and why it had to fall, and was told that 'it is Isis, champion of Babylon that stands in the harbor of New Babylon even now; why does it surprise you that America must fall, when it has been the enabler for evil throughout the world for so long now?' I was further told, 'it will take the longest to fall, but once fallen, the remaining nations will fare far worse, for their banks, their customers, their everything will be gone, and they will then make each other their own enemies in short-time.

I was told not to be saddened by this, that all things that live die, and that this is not the first cycle, but the 5th, it is only through man hiding history from man, that you do not know about the preceding four. They were given to teach a lesson, but in forgetting (or hiding) the past, you are caught in the trap of repeating it, and your epoch has done just that.

I was told many other things, some are too 'strange' to enter into discussion on (I can't remember all about them - and it is starting to fade now), others are too 'conflicting' to the average ideology to print without inciting conflict, which I do not wish to do.

I do remember one last detail, and that was my genuine inquiry 'was there a 'Big Bang' that started the universe?' With a laugh, I was told that this iteration of 'a universe' began from the remnants of a great and terrible war beyond mortal understanding. That the source of a 'Big Bang' was in fact, a single being of immense power, called in truth, 'a singularity' that absolutely wiped the evil from existence when it occurred. I was further told, that it is soon to happen again, but more cannot be told at this time.

So, if this is correct, this is not the first, nor last, universe - and the 'singularity' that caused it was an all-wiping individual who eradicated all evil in the iteration before.