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Jeopardy - Printable Version

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Jeopardy - blueDREAM - 11-15-2014

Friday November 14, 2014
Beat sequence: i-Doser Hibernate

It is near the end of the dream. I am standing behind a wooden podium playing Jeopardy against a 60 year old white man with white hair, also behind a podium. We are parallel facing a large screen displaying the Jeopardy board and questions. The game is just for fun but it is being televised nationally, just like real Jeopardy. Behind us we even have a live audience sitting on bleachers 5 or 6 rows deep. The room is surprisingly small, being maybe 10 meters deep and 18 meters wide. The network uses CGI to make the room look a lot bigger and nicer than it really is. Mrs. Lavender and some other people from the school are there. The Jeopardy match originated with her efforts to further the class. Right now this opponent is kicking my ass though. We answer two more questions, which he takes both of, and the audience begins cheering as the host tells the viewers we will be taking a commercial break. As soon as the network cuts to commercial, the host informs us that we have 30 seconds. "I'll be right back." I step to the right out from behind my podium and exit stage right (which is the left side because my podium does not face the audience). I need to get some water!
I walk into the hallway, which comes from the right and continues straight. At the end is an open door. I make my way over there and enter. Ahead of me is a black woman sitting behind a gray, boxy TV camera. I make a note to be silent so as not to interrupt the filming. I am a guest here. The room is no bigger than the last and shaped like an L, with the large part perpendicular to the hallway and where I'm standing, and the short side parallel to the hallway and behind me to the left. There is a small, semicircular wooden stage in the elbow of the room to my front-left. This is where the woman is pointing the camera, along with the other four unmanned cameras. There is no one on the stage either. Just some seats and a plant or two. I can't believe how small it is! Again, they use computers to make it look big and fancy like the set of Good Morning America. The floor is gray concrete with black cables running absolutely everywhere. It's clear they've tried to affix them to the floor and make them safe and presentable, but there are just too many. I turn left and walk into the short side of the L. A half circle table with a black table cloth holds all kinds of drinks in front of me. I realize they probably had bottled water in the Jeopardy room if I had just asked for it as I hopscotch my way to the table. The woman says something to me, but I can't remember for the life of me what it was. I aknowledge her without speaking. I am still in silent mode. I pour myself some water from a glass pitcher. I realize it has been longer than 30 seconds by now. I'm sure they grabbed one of my classmates to replace me. I just chill out for a minute.