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Trips. - KimSpirit - 01-26-2015

(I include these notes in an effort to assist others who may be trying to do what I am trying to do. Once again, my brand new portable disk player stopped working; hence, I could not use the SAM technology I am experimenting with (CD). Lo and behold, the past 2-3 nights, without the SAM, I completely lost dream recall. Last night, in desperation, I pulled the dang player apart, and got it working again. These are from my notes. I have absolutely no recall of the dreams as I sit here, and am completely reliant on my notes taken during the night. Most noteworthy, my focus, upon entering the sleep state, was Eagle of this project. I concentrated upon him solely, with a mental request to provide PROOF to him, as he also slept, that my oobe experiment is working, and that he would remember the confirmation. Yipes. My dream trips involved others. In other words, I have no control over these experiences, in spite of my efforts otherwise.)

1) A friend (still among the living) appeared in the experience. Most noteworthy, although I have not been in contact with this individual in more than 30 years, I observed this recent post on his FB account. Interestin'.

"You know, I had that issue for a while but as I got older I started taking melatonin for a sleep aid......and my dreams are incredibly vivid now. I don't remember them all but those that I do just seem so real......"

Melatonin, of course, re-feeds the pineal gland, which is deplenished via fluoride, primarily.

The experience from last night: This individual shows up at a restaurant where I am seated with a group of fellow "workers". There is a male friend with me, unknown. This friend-from-the-past sees the male friend, becomes angry and leaves. Our group is stunned at his reaction. I "follow" him back to the home he shared with his wife, Mary, in an effort to find out the source of his anger at me.

As I am trying to talk to this man, "R" and his wife, Mary...I am suddenly catapulted into another scene.

There is a large grey cement parking garage in front of me. There is a police officer or security guard at its entrance from the sidewalk (according to my handwritten notes.) The officer is trying to prevent violence by people attempting to get into the elevator, which takes them up to new levels. There are three levels, 1-3. I am trying to access the level above the physical top level, #3. The officer allows me to proceed.

2) I am in the body of a woman (????) (is it me, prior to this re-incarnation, or am I observing another, through her thoughts; I simply do not know or understand this), 20s or 30s, Saxon, who has been beaten in the face with a hammer by her mother-in-law. Unconscious and near death, she recovers within the hospital, against all odds. The woman goes to confront her mother-in-law, who does not think that her victim will remember her attacker. The woman does. Her mother-in-law is very wealthy, residing within a mansion. As the daughter-in-law approaches this cruel and arrogant woman, the rest of the mother-in-law's family enfolds around the woman. Due to her great wealth and power, her sons and daughters will protect her, no matter her wrong-doing. The mother-in-law has dark brown hair, cut severely, just below the ears, much as a helmet. As the attacked daughter-in-law makes her approach, the woman, realizing her victim remembers everything, becomes offended, seeing no wrong in what she did, but is surprised the young woman survived. That was not supposed to happen. The young woman-victim is fully aware that the plot had been murder.