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I think we found our King. - Printable Version

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I think we found our King. - twiceblessed9 - 08-06-2015

Eagle, on 8-3-15- you said:"romance king action enemies adventure chase incredibly journey: Okay, whoever this KING is, we now have enough linguistics to write a book about him. In today’s session, he courts his enemies and takes them on a journey. I personally see the ‘romance’ as trickery".

On 8-5-15- we had: wild bad king airplane dreamer
In this run, I mentioned the different "Royal Airlines" because of King and airplane next to each other.
And then I saw a news clip was THE airplane. (I think perhaps someone may have mentioned this possibility before but if so, I have no idea whom.)
The name on the side of the airplane was...Trump! " King Airplane" just might be Trump.
Your words:  he courts his enemies and takes them on a journey...this would also fit a tee.

I don't believe ALL the Kings are about Trump, but I think many recent ones are for sure.
On 7-13-15- we had: king tracks castle or aka Trump tracks White House.
The debate is tonight.  I wonder if after the debate we will have the rest of the words around the 8-3-15 botrun:  fun meditation up wild bad king airplane dreamer wow totally little teeth dive. If it is connected, someone may show little teeth in the debate and (take a) dive.
I need to go to sleep, but I will see what other King Runs might suggest Trump.  
I also want to look back over all of the casino runs.  And some of those "dawn" runs. Some of those may fit too.

RE: I think we found our King. - Eagle1 - 08-06-2015

VERY interesting perspective, Twice. And in analyzing your theory here, it makes me think that if there is an election next year, Trump would win. Else, why would bot be using the term King? I like where this thread is going, and there is much more potential as we head toward the elections and related drama. Thank you for this thread.

RE: I think we found our King. - Eagle1 - 08-06-2015

I agree Windy.

RE: I think we found our King. - twiceblessed9 - 08-06-2015

I don't believe he needs to actually get elected to be "king". Good description Windy.

RE: I think we found our King. - ThePaladin - 08-07-2015

(08-06-2015, 09:48 AM)Windy Wrote: Because Trump is a KING PIN (or) Gangster... in the way he handles things.
2 :  the chief person in a group or undertaking

Bully is not quite the word to describe Trump... he is so much more than that.

The closing paragraph to this report:

Quote:What voters want, too, is a nominee who won’t let himself get pushed around when his closely held values are under attack. On that score, you can give this round to the bully.

I have to agree that Trump is so much more than a bully and the political elite types risk making a huge mistake if they think he's a clown and dismiss him. He knows exactly what he's doing and his provocative statements are planned to elicit the reactions they do.

RE: I think we found our King. - *AD - 09-03-2015

this seems to mention Obama as KING and canceling the elections- for whatever that is worth- you discern