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CameTrue 11/22/15 The Road to Panicked Hearts - Printable Version

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11/22/15 The Road to Panicked Hearts - Eagle1 - 11-22-2015

Trending: roads odyssey vague panicked hearts upset yesterday rid obvious lobby visual sat eyeball clear pattern lock began drunk bother every track meditated details charge blowing instrument unfamiliar without smell nature words container scenario view girl broke indian turning alarm piece
Waning: logged event older steak recently land flood welcome vividness brother driver sign drink theme third order sexy cliff path means comfort nick agree cat level form question seat color showed sung today lesson daughter wed

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
I believe I know what this run is about or at least the group of words near the top of the run. It sounds to me like the refugee movement is going to continue, and it’s going to really start to impact the affected nations and/or communities….to the point of panic. We will see a ‘clear pattern’ of this.

As for the rest of the words, unless they are metaphoric towards the bigger grand scheme of things, they feel individualized or even trivial. I was expecting to see some Thanksgiving stuff start to surface, besides the Black Friday warnings we've already received at the beginning of the month.

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RE: 11/22/15 The Road to Panicked Hearts - Goldengirl - 11-22-2015

Charge blowing instrument
container scenario
turning alarm piece

this still seems related to the terrorist attacks and ongoing alert levels

RE: 11/22/15 The Road to Panicked Hearts - Eagle1 - 11-23-2015

Well, crap. I just bought my airline ticket for early next month, and gotta love the headline story within 24 hours after making my purchase:

Lingo: roads odyssey vague panicked hearts upset

Headline Drudge: Worldwide travel alert: State Department issues warning for Americans amid increased terror threat

I was originally thinking that the linguistics was warning about more refugee movement, but the big headline/warning makes a lot of sense. Odyssey begs the idea of TRAVEL. That's exactly what one does in an odyssey. My gosh, the lingo is a direct match to warning! I HOPE TO GOD this is just a tickle. A "Tickle" is when the news makes the same prediction/warning as the lingo, but hasn't yet come true. In essence, the lingo predicts a mainstream prediction. Hopefully it just stays as a tickle.

Goldengirl was RIGHT!!

RE: 11/22/15 The Road to Panicked Hearts - Goldengirl - 11-24-2015

In this case, I'd rather be WRONG!!!!!

In any case, fly safe!

RE: 11/22/15 The Road to Panicked Hearts - Goldengirl - 11-24-2015

and also this:

As NYC Thanksgiving Day parade draws near, security high in face of ISIS threat
"On Sunday, hundreds of emergency responders simulated a subway terror attack on Sunday, which included an “attacker” wearing a suicide vest."

RE: 11/22/15 The Road to Panicked Hearts - twiceblessed9 - 11-29-2015

roads odyssey vague panicked hearts upset yesterday rid obvious lobby visual sat eyeball clear pattern lock
This seems to be speaking of the environmental protests in France regarding the Climate Summit. The huge protest march was canceled by authorities because of safety concerns and protesters should their dislike for the march being canceled.
World leaders arrived in Paris on Sunday for potentially historic climate talks that will play out amid security concerns driven by the November 13 terror attacks in France.
Frustrations over restrictions on protests put in place following the attacks gave rise to what French President Francois Hollande called "scandalous" scuffles between protesters and police at the Place de Republique, the site of a memorial to victims.
French authorities have clamped down on public demonstrations in the aftermath of the deadly attacks, blocking environmental campaigners' plans for a big march on Sunday.
Police arrested more than 200 people Sunday following flare-ups in which protesters pelted police with shoes, bottles and even candles police said were taken from memorials.
Riot police responded with tear gas.
Hollande said authorities knew "troubling elements" would arrive in Paris for the talks, and said that was why "these sorts of assemblies were banned and some were ordered to stay home.