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11/28/15 Stressing over the GEL that repairs itself! - Printable Version

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11/28/15 Stressing over the GEL that repairs itself! - Eagle1 - 11-28-2015

Trending: gel bowling drown study damn stress typical sphere rest bags fri ice grey skating anxiety settle backpack guard tequila elevator insight safe instrument sunrise there moon forth garden shower stop unfamiliar father container tar place roof dreams impression pattern realizing
Waning: form knife input escape land laying text pocket crash wet art sign remembered awesome experience self swimming sun fine match daniel subconscious held impossible request thanks event support cut brain arm journey pleased wild mon

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
Gel…..what the hell? I’m a poet and didn’t know it. I’ve got a big technological breakthrough that explains the rise of GEL in dreamland. Say hello to terminator (or at least one of the necessary seeds for terminator): . That article was published 20 hours ago, right in the heart of all the dreams gathered for today’s run.

Furthermore, the bot sees tremendous stress about this gel, with “Stress” and “Anxiety” both in this run.

We’ve seen GUARD in several runs now, and a huge story coming out Detroit fits the bill. Apparently an armored truck was parked outside a casino and voila….a thief somehow manages to steal $500,000!! WOW! How does this happen? Was it an inside job maybe? Either way, we’re looking at a Guard that is missing (which is exactly what the previous runs were warning of). Link:

For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see:


RE: 11/28/15 Stressing over the GEL that repairs itself! - Eagle1 - 11-28-2015

Hey, COOL! The pictures are clear now! I fixed it! Smile

RE: 11/28/15 Stressing over the GEL that repairs itself! - twiceblessed9 - 11-28-2015

I think most of the trending words have to do with the upcoming Climate Summit with world leaders in Paris.
There are many climate words mentioned  and security will also be a tough issue to address since we are talking "Paris" right now.
Climate change phrases/words:
drown study damn stress typical sphere
ice grey skating anxiety settle
sunrise there moon forth garden shower stop
container tar place roof dreams
impression pattern realizing

Summit safety:
anxiety settle backpack guard tequila elevator insight safe instrument

Gel might mean that the world leaders will or need to gel on the climate change issue.

fine match daniel subconscious held impossible request thanks event support cut brain arm journey pleased wild
I still think this has to do with a race  as I mentioned in yesterday's run.  Many of the same words are present again.

RE: 11/28/15 Stressing over the GEL that repairs itself! - Nanny - 01-14-2016

These words have a clear hit, today.

"daniel subconscious held impossible request thanks event support" as "daniel" that played "harry potter" thanks Alan Rickman, very recently deceased of cancer for powerful "support" during and post-movies they worked together in, stating "events" that Rickman attended post-potter.