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Snowing in Florida - Printable Version

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Snowing in Florida - Goldengirl - 01-09-2016

I am driving in my car, going to a meeting in Sarasota. I get to a side street to park, and there is snow everywhere, real hard like it's iced over. It looks like at least a foot. I find an open space, and struggle to get the car over the chunky ice/snow and park.

Thoughts: Probably mostly day residue, as I was on a trip to Chicago, and then Minnesota. BUT, it did snow once here in '78 or '79 I'm told, so I thought I should post. With the weather as wacky as it has been lately, who knows?! And, this is the first remembered dream in a while! Big Grin

RE: Snowing in Florida - Eagle1 - 01-09-2016

Or more support for a pole shift (except that driving might get difficult). Smile

RE: Snowing in Florida - Goldengirl - 01-09-2016

Real, metaphoric or pole shift - dreams count!