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Puppies and Ships That Need Rescue - Printable Version

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Puppies and Ships That Need Rescue - Goldengirl - 02-06-2016

My boyfriend and I are walking our two goldens in our neighborhood. Something catches my eye, and as I look I see a tiny puppy jump up to the low roof on a garage across the street, and back down. I am concerned that he'll run out into the street, so I run over to see if I can catch him. I stop in the side yard, and as he runs about in circles, as puppies will, he eventually comes close enough for me to grab him. He (and I thought of the puppy as a "he" from the start) looks to be 8-10 weeks old, and is a Golden Doodle (a mix of Golden Retriever and Poodle). He is champagne colored, and has very curly soft fur. I am in love with him immediately, but want to check with the neighbors to see whose puppy it is.

I go to the house, and for whatever reason, my boyfriend doesn't want to come to the door with me. I can't figure that one out, as he is usually very outgoing, but I am on a mission and leave him behind on the sidewalk. The neighbors come to the door, with a whole herd of the most enormous dogs I have ever seen, but they don't know who the puppy belongs to.

I go back to my boyfriend, and I'm asking people we pass on the street if they know whose dog it is, but no one knows. We end up at some kind of common building, that has the association office in it. We go inside to ask what they can do to help us, but my boyfriend gets angry with them as they say they can't help us. I make a couple of other suggestions, like posting flyers, but he shoots them down.

We go back outside and continue our walk. As we turn a corner, the street has become a huge dock, with boats on either side. One of them is a huge Navy ship, and it appears to be encrusted with ice. It's pulling away as we approach. I then notice that out in the bay, there is a commercial ship, roughly the same size as the Navy ship, and it's also covered in ice and is listing in the water. I wonder if the Navy is coming to help.


Longest dream I've had in ages. I am thrilled. Day residue about the dogs I guess, as I would totally take in a lost puppy. But the ships? I haven't a clue.

RE: Puppies and Ships That Need Rescue - Cassandra - 02-06-2016

The puppy sounds adorable. Interesting about the ships.

RE: Puppies and Ships That Need Rescue - Goldengirl - 02-06-2016

Yeah it was like the dream took a different turn at that point, but both about rescue to my mind. And I should've said the longest dream I'd REMEMBERED in a long time, not the longest one I've had. Have 'em all the time, it's the remembering that's been a bit difficult. But this one was crystal clear on waking!

RE: Puppies and Ships That Need Rescue - twiceblessed9 - 02-06-2016

Hey Goldengirl.
This might be an interesting overlap to your dream.
From today's Dream Botrun (2-6-16)
crazy ride realized afraid flew dog animals dude portal yeah highway dragon paralyzed
Frozen ice around ships...that would be a crazy ride. I wonder if the commercial ship was Chinese (dragon).

RE: Puppies and Ships That Need Rescue - Goldengirl - 02-06-2016

Interesting. Did see "dog" in there and thought it was curious. Don't know about the ship, just "knew" the one ship was our Navy, and the other ship was commercial but didn't know whose.