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3/14/16 Dreaming of Pamplona - Printable Version

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3/14/16 Dreaming of Pamplona - Eagle1 - 03-14-2016

Trending: dream bull spain dat build class had up pilot dreams natural sun van guide hotel view shifts arrow bank now arrows luck toy were warehouse desert normal lucid mountain rushing hurry dirt silence considering mind bob march seats one there
Waning: sailing annoyed longer show vivid garage hospital energy order sea low eating meeting lady cat ran husband power truck stairs ceiling already less trump france men leader planning stress fri

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
Pamplona is the Spanish city where the bulls are allowed to run free and trample the unlucky morons. Apparently the celebration is July 6th each year.

Don't forget about the radio interview tonight, but you can always listen to it later. See my blog entry here:

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RE: 3/14/16 Dreaming of Pamplona - Goldengirl - 03-14-2016

Arrow bank now arrows luck

Phrase stuck out to me mostly because we have a singular and a plural same word so close together. Need to think on this one!

RE: 3/14/16 Dreaming of Pamplona - twiceblessed9 - 03-14-2016

I am wondering if Spain is next to bull in order to emphasize that we are talking about the animal, not the verb bull (to lie).  If so, there may be clues further in the botrun.
 view shifts arrow bank now arrows luck-  sounds like we may be speaking of a bull market and the arrows represent the direction we are headed. Bank could be the institution or a direction. We also have build class had up pilot dreams which sounds like it is speaking of the "working class" and how they had dreams of perhaps piloting their personal economic situation higher than it's current state.

RE: 3/14/16 Dreaming of Pamplona - Goldengirl - 03-14-2016

Or Dream Bull Spain could be day residue from yesterday:

Thousands protest in Spain in favour of bullfighting traditions

RE: 3/14/16 Dreaming of Pamplona - twiceblessed9 - 03-14-2016

Oh! Good find Goldengirl!
(03-14-2016, 06:58 PM)Goldengirl Wrote: Or Dream Bull Spain could be day residue from yesterday:

Thousands protest in Spain in favour of bullfighting traditions