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Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - Printable Version

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Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - Sherriann - 05-05-2016

I accidentally hit the off button on my computer, which has a rather large screen. I begin to panic as the computer starts to make groaning/grinding sounds and white lines and colours flash across the screen before it goes black. It's like it came alive before it died. I then quickly hit the button to restart it and it 'begins' to restart in a way that seems to be normal although I woke up before anything appeared on the screen.

RE: Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - Nanny - 05-05-2016

LOL, tell me that this dream was as realistic as reading it was! I had just logged-on here and read this, thinking it had really happened to you and then had my "duhh" moment of this being a short dream report.
Bet you're cherishing your computer a bit more today. I sure would be.

RE: Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - ThePaladin - 05-05-2016

Oddly enough, I read this just after having to unexpectedly turn off my old laptop, which I was in the process of reformatting. The power went out and the laptop's low battery signal was beeping so I had to turn it off rather than continue the reformatting.

RE: Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - Skeetersaurus - 05-05-2016

Interesting. I just read up on my daily 'tech news', and found that starting July 29, Microsoft will be charging $119 for Windows 10, but they aren't going to stop nagging people to upgrade (or if they have automatic updates turned on, FORCING them to update - then holding their computer for ransom 30 days later, if they don't pay).

I deemed this equal to 'commercial virusware' or 'ransomware'. Then again, I work from a Linux platform anyhow, so I see it as exceedingly humorous, even though I feel for those suffering through a product and company treating people like this. It is blatantly wrong, but they are so intertwined with the government, or governments, that no one will ever stop them (except the customers).

I really wish I could show the 'average user' how simple Linux (especially the most-popular flavor, Ubuntu) was to use. If they realized that it is no more difficult than Windows, it's free, you can keep it for life if you want, and that it is capable of everything (and more) that Windows was capable of; I am convinced that Linux would be the world's preferred Operating System, bar none.
(and LibreOffice, the equivalent to Office, has every feature as well - and it is also free! There's even a copy that works on Windows, for those who would like to try it out). For an average person, the total learning curve is around 6-weeks to being as proficient, if not more-so, than they are on Windows currently (power-users have a curve more like 7-days).

I raise these points, as I see them relative to what Sherriann saw in her dream. I think a LOT of people are going to be enraged when they run into this issue shortly - and when their computer locks them out after 30-days of non-payment when it does happen, until they pay Microsoft $119 for the forced-upgrade.

I'm just curious how long before Microsoft retro-actively goes after everyone running the 'free-Beta' that has been released so far. I am sure, that eventually, they will reach 'backwards' and go for cash flows related to those who have already installed the freely distributed copy originally.

RE: Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - Sherriann - 05-05-2016

(05-05-2016, 10:06 AM)Nanny Wrote: LOL, tell me that this dream was as realistic as reading it was! I had just logged-on here and read this, thinking it had really happened to you and then had my "duhh" moment of this being a short dream report.
Bet you're cherishing your computer a bit more today. I sure would be.

It was totally real right down to this happening while sitting at the desk in the den in front of my laptop. *L*

RE: Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - Nanny - 05-05-2016

Diggin it! Well know that my literal-self felt your pain.

But now, seriously what is this dream saying??

RE: Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - Iris - 05-05-2016

(05-05-2016, 11:21 AM)Skeetersaurus Wrote: Interesting. I just read up on my daily 'tech news', and found that starting July 29, Microsoft will be charging $119 for Windows 10, but they aren't going to stop nagging people to upgrade (or if they have automatic updates turned on, FORCING them to update - then holding their computer for ransom 30 days later, if they don't pay).

I deemed this equal to 'commercial virusware' or 'ransomware'. Then again, I work from a Linux platform anyhow, so I see it as exceedingly humorous, even though I feel for those suffering through a product and company treating people like this. It is blatantly wrong, but they are so intertwined with the government, or governments, that no one will ever stop them (except the customers).

I really wish I could show the 'average user' how simple Linux (especially the most-popular flavor, Ubuntu) was to use. If they realized that it is no more difficult than Windows, it's free, you can keep it for life if you want, and that it is capable of everything (and more) that Windows was capable of; I am convinced that Linux would be the world's preferred Operating System, bar none.
(and LibreOffice, the equivalent to Office, has every feature as well - and it is also free! There's even a copy that works on Windows, for those who would like to try it out).  For an average person, the total learning curve is around 6-weeks to being as proficient, if not more-so, than they are on Windows currently (power-users have a curve more like 7-days).

I raise these points, as I see them relative to what Sherriann saw in her dream. I think a LOT of people are going to be enraged when they run into this issue shortly - and when their computer locks them out after 30-days of non-payment when it does happen, until they pay Microsoft $119 for the forced-upgrade.

I'm just curious how long before Microsoft retro-actively goes after everyone running the 'free-Beta' that has been released so far. I am sure, that eventually, they will reach 'backwards' and go for cash flows related to those who have already installed the freely distributed copy originally.

Uggh, been putting off that 'free' Windows 10 upgrade, guess I better get to it. Undecided

RE: Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - Skeetersaurus - 05-09-2016

(05-05-2016, 07:11 PM)Iris Wrote: Uggh, been putting off that 'free' Windows 10 upgrade, guess I better get to it.   Undecided

Iris, I feel for you. If you are the 'experimental' type, you might want to try Ubuntu. It's a LARGE download (about 1-Gb), but once you download it and burn it to a DVD-R, you can just 'take it for a test drive' without changing your computer any. It's also free, and comes with a full office suite.

Just offering, because my heart goes out to anyone who is 'over a chopping block' for the MS licensing costs (or the spyware built in).

Just reading the Linux mantra makes you feel good inside:
* They believe that software should be open-source and if installed personally, free
* It is actually supported
* It is the same software that Apple software is based on (both are based on UNIX, and both older Apple iOS's and Linux look and behave very much alike - except for the money-thing)
* Once you install it, you OWN it (run it forever, if you want - it 'never goes out-of-date')
* Every 2-years, a new LTS (Long Term Support) version is released with full support for 5-years (they just came out with Ubuntu 16.04LTS Desktop)
* It only occupies about 1/2 the space as Windows
* It is naturally 'virus-resistant' to the point of nearly being virus-proof (because of how it works)
* You should never need to defragment the harddrive again
* It works blindingly fast on an SSD drive (solid state drive)
* Average learning curve: 30 days for an average user, 7-days for a power user (to be as good at it, as you are your current OS)

And tons more...(and no, I don't 'work' for one really 'works' for them, it is all done via philanthropic people and groups giving time and resources as a global community project). I offer my input on some system functions to a 'user blog board' on occassion, though...

Think of it as 'free, communal software' that as the company tag line says, 'It Just Works'  ;-)

By the way, for any 'preppers, survivalists or others' who feel that we could lose our Internet, Power Distribution Grid, or other infrastructure, keep in mind one thing that makes Linux the ONLY OS you should ever consider:

It doesn't use 'keys' to install it - basically, once you download it, you own it. Install 1,000 copies, it's still free. NO KEYS. This means you could dig a computer out of a post-apocalyptic scrap heap, take an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 'LiveCD' (the install disk), and in 2-hours, have a 'like-new' fully operational PC back up and running again - and never have to worry about hitting some '30-day' period where it stops working because you didn't register the software!

That alone, is peace of mind (I think I have about every variant of Linux in it's distribution form, stored on my server, for the past 5-years). If the world ends, and I'm still here, I'm the old guy selling Linux installation disks on the border! ;-) (you can sell pre-formatted disks you burn for others, but under the GPL license you're only supposed to charge for your materials and labor - and going rate is around $9 a copy...but hey, you own the disk after you get one (if you don't have a burner in your Computer).

P.P.S.: That wasn't a 'Linux Commercial'...I currently don't sell disks...I don't have a retail license. That was a 'if the world ends' offer, only. :-D

RE: Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - Eagle1 - 05-10-2016

Might this be connected to the November circuit breaker dream?

RE: Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - Goldengirl - 05-10-2016

Sherriann's Circuit Breaker Off from November (good recall Eagle)

And let's not forget this one too of yours:

Your dream seems to be an early precursor to the throwback dreams a lot of us have been having. Like something literally shocking has sent us back to a time before all of our gadgets. An EMP or a solar flare would make most of our vehicles with computers running the car inoperable.

RE: Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - ThePaladin - 05-10-2016

Another thought: Turning off the computer can also represent a hard reboot. In the sense that something is wrong with the computer, that it's not working properly and none of the troubleshooting steps have worked so it's time to try a hard reboot.

Nothing else has worked so it's time for a hard reboot.

RE: Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - Sherriann - 05-12-2016

From Skeeter's dream - I saw was a calendar month-page for this May, but like someone 'snatched it' off a desk while I was looking at it, it was gone, and I could see it no more.

I was laying in bed last night trying to remember a dream I just had but couldn't do it in any detail. The only thing about it that I can remember is that it was something about rising above the turmoil, a new start - things gone bad will turn themselves around. We will be OK.

I've had a couple of that kind of dream this past week.

Then again, I'm under a good bit of stress right now so these dreams could also be personal, just that a computer malfunction/ re-boot is a rather strange way of getting a personal message across. Cool

RE: Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - Nanny - 05-12-2016

Am thankful for the type of dreams you're having lately! We need good news. Thanks for reporting.

RE: Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - Th(e Millennial) - 05-13-2016

Okay, so I had this nightmare last night. This dream of yours was about the movie, The Box (2009). In the movie, there is scene where this sociopath begins laughing and it controls how people least that is what I thought happened in that scene, I have forgotten but I know it is scary. I kept seeing the color red, which is the color of the button on this box in the movie. I then seen the word APPLE. Apple that you eat, Apple the computer brand, Adam's Apple, and Apple like a city (i.e., The Big Apple, Minneapolis). I then remembered that Issachar means "LAUGHING" in will see this in music lyrics...pearl jam song Jeremy comes to mind. It is subliminal, but I can pick up on it for a number of reasons. I could see the extrinsic value of the first three apples, but not the in the City Apple. That is something that is on your part. I thought the words, "city, seedy, and CD". I fell asleep in this manner. I could be completely wrong, but this is an actual route. The laughing scene is about 1:25 into the trailer here:
I actually experienced a situation like this in real life, it was frightening before, during, and after the I keep it to myself.

RE: Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - Skeetersaurus - 05-13-2016

(05-13-2016, 09:42 AM)Th(e Millennial) Wrote: Okay, so I had this nightmare last night. This dream of yours was about the movie, The Box (2009). In the movie, there is scene where this sociopath begins laughing and it controls how people least that is what I thought happened in that scene, I have forgotten but I know it is scary. I kept seeing the color red, which is the color of the button on this box in the movie. I then seen the word APPLE. Apple that you eat, Apple the computer brand, Adam's Apple, and Apple like a city (i.e., The Big Apple, Minneapolis). I then remembered that Issachar means "LAUGHING" in will see this in music lyrics...pearl jam song Jeremy comes to mind. It is subliminal, but I can pick up on it for a number of reasons. I could see the extrinsic value of the first three apples, but not the in the City Apple. That is something that is on your part. I thought the words, "city, seedy, and CD". I fell asleep in this manner. I could be completely wrong, but this is an actual route. The laughing scene is about 1:25 into the trailer here:
I actually experienced a situation like this in real life, it was frightening before, during, and after the I keep it to myself.

Th(e Millennial), I have seen a couple of your comments posted, but this one drew my attention because of the subject versus what you've said above.  You reference a movie that I happened to see, but more-so, other movies have been made on the topic, as well as it having been a subject studied for thousands of years by many philosophers - and that is 'The Consequence of Actions', especially applied to morals in 'sentient humans'.

The Box is about a couple with a young child, who get a box and are given 24-hours to receive $1,000,000 if they will push a button on the box, but at the same moment, pushing the button will cause the death of some unknown-to-them person, somewhere in the world. The moral dilemma that this causes is the subject of the movie, and the general story as well as the meme of 'consequence-of-your-actions' ideal (Aesop covered this as well, as did Socrates).

This said, what you explain as a segue into your analysis does not tie to your own ideas expressed that I can see, in any way. This said, can you please explain to us how this relates in a logical way to what you said after the comparative analysis? I am struggling through more than one of your 'media-comparisons' to understand how 'apples' are leading to 'notebook paper' (analogy).

Thank you.

RE: Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - Th(e Millennial) - 05-13-2016

I never said "notebook paper" anywhere? Not sure where you got that. Apple is a computer brand, they make Ipods.

RE: Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - Skeetersaurus - 05-13-2016

Ok, Th(e Millennial), in straight-terms, your example of the movie 'The Box' has nothing to do with what you said. The movie 'The Box' has nothing to do with what you then went on to say about Apple. I don't understand what you are talking about. For my benefit (and possibly others), please, explain how the movie 'The Box' (which has to do about 'Consequence of Actions' relative to the unintended opportunity-costs of your own behavior) has to do with Apple, or SherriAnn's original post about seeing a computer that malfunctioned on boot?

RE: Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - Th(e Millennial) - 05-13-2016

Ok, Skeetersaurus, in straight-terms, my example of the movie 'The Box' has everything to do with what I said. The movie 'The Box' has everything to do with what I then went on to say about Apple. The Box is a BUTTON and RED...if you don't understand...then sorry...but not really. You don't speak for others, please, stop changing the subject. Wink

RE: Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - Skeetersaurus - 05-13-2016

Th(e Millennial), 3 days ago I had a premonition that there would arise conflict on this board as a result of too much disclosed at once.

I feel that asking you a question is akin to entering into a Turing Test for AI, and at this point, am not sure if you are an actual poster, a misleader of sorts, or something else entirely.

You have not answered my question in any way, but I do feel vehemence in your reply. I'll let you silence me, it is not me you keep knowledge from.

For others, I would like to point out that your reply mimics my opening statement, you address the subject, you contradict my summary of 'The Box' (which is inaccurate to what the story is about), you also reply with an empathetic statement then counter your own statement ('sorry...but not really'), and then you close with a demand to 'stay on topic'. This is the default behavior of a Turing Test (to validate AI can pass for human, like a bot), but also the actions of an internet troll as well.

I'll gladly let others be their own assessor of this information. Good luck with your contributions to the board. May they be insightful.

For those who have read my writings, this is standard for what I encounter when I speak, whether in person, or online. This is no different, I only ask for others to see it for what it is. It was a pleasure to contribute in the time I was visiting.


RE: Hitting the Computer 'Off' Button - Th(e Millennial) - 05-13-2016

Thank you for allowing me to silence you, I have never been vehement, that is too human an attribute. I've read your premonitions, unfortunately you seem to not know who I am yet my way has been prepared (plus I have posted an introduction). The Box is even in the Waning section should be silent, it also speaks of me being the Tribe of Issachar...and how that is central to a "Spiritual Israel"...apparently you can't see the messages I sent you on ratings...AND I DO NOT BELIEVE IN ALIENS. I keep no knowledge from anyone, I am actually the opposite of you are quite rude. You say there is 'evil demanding to know, and power not telling the story'. Nay, there is evil that does not know, and there is power telling the story. And again, movies can have more than one meaning...silly pain pizza. Anywho, not everyone has to agree with your philosophy on life, a paranoid one at that...I talk a lot about myself...because 'it' talks about me, it even tells me what to do (don''t make blue plane political because the hours are 5-11 or something) t's called reading between the lines. Finally, stop changing the subject. That is very troll like. Would you like someone to narrate your comments? You should have suggest to me (a newbie) whether I was a Paradigm 1,2, or 3..."rather" than approach me the way you did and continue to do.

SkeetersaurusTh(e Millennial), 3 days ago I had a premonition that there would arise conflict on this board as a result of too much disclosed at once.

I feel that asking you a question is akin to entering into a Turing Test for AI, and at this point, am not sure if you are an actual poster, a misleader of sorts, or something else entirely.

You have not answered my question in any way, but I do feel vehemence in your reply. I'll let you silence me, it is not me you keep knowledge from.

For others, I would like to point out that your reply mimics my opening statement, you address the subject, you contradict my summary of 'The Box' (which is inaccurate to what the story is about), you also reply with an empathetic statement then counter your own statement ('sorry...but not really'), and then you close with a demand to 'stay on topic'. This is the default behavior of a Turing Test (to validate AI can pass for human, like a bot), but also the actions of an internet troll as well.

I'll gladly let others be their own assessor of this information. Good luck with your contributions to the board. May they be insightful.

For those who have read my writings, this is standard for what I encounter when I speak, whether in person, or online. This is no different, I only ask for others to see it for what it is. It was a pleasure to contribute in the time I was visiting.
