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CameTrue 1/18/18 Entities in the Mirror - Printable Version

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1/18/18 Entities in the Mirror - Eagle1 - 01-18-2018

Trending: route warren spiritual aunt willing entity actions mirror hours changing chocolate store imagination astral son church notified paint manage com wrapping regarding supposed closed brown daughter situation influence stood pass
Waning: window boyfriend young view moon perhaps wearing mum drunk identity snake called dream rabbit bathroom yesterday fri drink ben days

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RE: 1/18/18 Entities in the Mirror - twiceblessed9 - 01-24-2018

#cametrue 6 (from making the news, 0 from day it happened).

route warren spiritual aunt willing entity actions mirror hours changing chocolate store imagination astral son church notified paint manage com wrapping regarding supposed closed brown daughter situation influence stood pass

A volunteer for an Arizona group seeking to prevent migrant deaths in the desert at the U.S.-Mexico border was arrested after giving food and water to undocumented immigrants, according to court records.
Border Patrol agents also arrested two people who were with Warren on Wednesday and “receiving humanitarian aid” at the time, according to No More Deaths. Those two people remain in custody, the group said.
Alicia Dinsmore, a volunteer with No More Deaths, told The Washington Post that the group felt it was “suspicious” that Border Patrol agents would arrest a known, longtime volunteer the same day the group released video that was critical of the agency.

Scott Warren, an instructor with Arizona State University and volunteer with the group No More Deaths, faces the federal charge of harboring or concealing two people in the country illegally, according to court documents.  Store would be "the barn" where water and food was distributed.

No More Deaths is a ministry of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson[/b]

RE: 1/18/18 Entities in the Mirror - twiceblessed9 - 01-26-2018

Another #cametrue
regarding supposed closed brown daughter situation influence stood

Murphy Brown is coming back to T.V. for 13 new episodes. One of the things the show was famous for was the episode where Candice Bergen"s character gave birth to a daughter as a single mother.  It was a very influential show.

RE: 1/18/18 Entities in the Mirror - ThePaladin - 01-26-2018

Murphy gave birth to a son, Avery, named after her mother. He was played by a very young Haley Joel Osment, IIRC.

Ah, the trivia that sticks in my head. Big Grin

RE: 1/18/18 Entities in the Mirror - twiceblessed9 - 01-26-2018

Ooops, Thank you for the correction. Avery, girl and boy name. I remember that now. Way too many years have passed.